GTO complex implementation experience and prospects at Ural Federal University
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.34-36
Master's student A.V. Korobova1
PhD, Associate Professor N.B. Serova1
Master E.G. Shurmanov1
PhD, Professor L.N. Fitina2
1Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ekaterinburg
2Ekaterinburg City Administration, Ekaterinburg
The study overviews practical experience of the GTO Complex implementation at Ural Federal University (UrFU) since the GTO Complex reinstatement by the Federal government; and analyses the GTO Complex Test Centre operations at the UrFU with their successes and drawbacks making a special emphasis on the GTO Complex implementation specifics in academic environments; and offers practical instruments for the GTO Complex promotion in the modern student communities. Our analysis of the GTO Complex Test Centre operation models made it possible to offer a unique promising model for the GTO Complex implementation at Ural Federal University as described in the article. The model is based on the idea of the GTO Complex integration in the academic Physical Education curriculum. The proposed new model offers effective tools for the model promotion in the student environments with the most comfortable and encouraging conditions for the tests; with due respect to voluntariness as the key principle of the GTO Complex; and with modest revisions of the variable component of the academic Physical Education curriculum designed to develop the five key physical qualities: speed, strength, flexibility, dexterity and endurance. The article makes a preliminary analysis of benefits of the new model in the institutional and economic domains.
Keywords: Russian Physical Culture and Sports ‘Ready for Labour and Defence’ (GTO) Complex, GTO Complex Test Centre, Ural Federal University, promising operation model.
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