Mass sports, physical education and health projects: corporate experience of Urals-based company
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.25-27
PhD N.V. Popova
Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ekaterinburg
The study analyses the mass sports, physical education and health promotion projects implemented by one of the leading industrial companies in the Urals and Russia and profiles sporting preferences of the company personnel by a questioning survey. Objective of the study was to analyze and summarize the practical experience of the mass sports, physical education and health promotion projects implemented by the Sinarsk Tube Plant. Subject to the questioning survey under the study were 300 staff members of different ages, qualifications and employment records. The survey data were indicative of the staff being highly satisfied with the mass sports, physical education and health promotion services. The sport preferences of the staff are dominated by swimming, tourism, skating sports and shooting practices. The study data and analyses made it possible to come up with the recommendations on how the corporate sports management policies and practices may be improved by the company on the whole and its divisions in particular. The practical corporate experience of mass sports, physical education and health promotion services (including the services to young staff members), and the project benefit analysis may be helpful for the relevant national and foreign companies.
Keywords: mass sports, physical education and health promotion events, sport competitions, industry, staff members, youth program.
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