Mass chess education system: legal and regulatory aspects



PhD E.N. Skarzhinskaya1
1Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka, Moscow region

The study demonstrates conflicts of the modern mass chess education system with the valid legal and regulatory provisions for the Russian education system. We believe that the off-class chess education formats may be offered under the optional education curricula of the primary, general and secondary education systems on consent of the relevant education management entities. In the existing vocational education system, chess may become a regular discipline under whatever educational curricula including the optional ones. As things now stand in the actual practice, chess is applied as an educational tool only by the advanced education system. The study shows that a direct transfer of the chess education courses from the advanced education system (mainly the sport education one) to the general education is unlikely recommendable. On the whole the chess education system as an element of the modern national education is regulated at this juncture by contradictory legal and regulatory provisions and, hence, the mass chess education system shall be designed with due consideration for the regulatory inconsistencies.

Keywords: chess, mass chess education, educational innovations, practical educational provisions.


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