Sprinters' stress tolerance building method
O.V. Sergeev1
Dr.Hab., Professor I.V. Manzheley1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The study analyses issues of psychological and educational support in sports. Experiments confirm the fact of significant and individually determined effects of mental and physical stresses that tend to extend the latent time of the simple and complex mental responses associated with regresses in competitive accomplishments on the whole and sprint events in particular. We have developed a sprinters’ stress tolerance building method applicable in an annual training cycle and tested its benefits. The method considers the coach’s and athlete’s reflexive interaction with the relevant progress tests, goal-setting, skill mastering, application, support, reflexion, correction and prevention of mental/ emotional conditions to manage the sprinters’ behaviour and performance as required by their individual traits. The sprinters were classified into four groups in need of: (1) systemic corrections; (2) occasional corrections; (3) situational help and (4) preventive support, subject to special training and precompetitive fitness securing psychological and educational support. Benefits of the individualized mental settings by coaches were verified by the experiment.
Keywords: sprinters’ stress tolerance, psychological and educational support, reflexive interaction, individualized mental setting by coach.
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