Table tennis fast mastering method applicable under academic physical education curriculum
V.V. Zotin1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
1Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk
The academic physical education process efficiency largely depends on how effective the instructor is in building the sport-specific skills in students. Having mastered basic technical skills in one or another sport discipline, the student develops the relevant determination and motivations thereby contributing to success of the academic Physical Education process which is formally designed to develop due physical culture and sport motivations in students.
The study explores benefits of an experimental table tennis fast mastering method applied under academic physical education curriculum to female students. Subject to the education process experiment completed in 2014-17 were the full-time first-year students majoring in economics split up into Experimental Group (n=60) and Reference Group (n=40). The experimental table tennis mastering method in application to female students was designed as follows: demonstrate the techniques; try the techniques in couples; identify and rate key technical errors made by the students; correct the most serious technical blunders; further couple trainings; new corrections of errors; and technical excellence process in a competitive format. The new table tennis fast mastering method was found beneficial as verified by the female students’ progress tests, with the progress achieved for twice as little time and supported by stable motivations for sport practices.
Keywords: female students, physical education, university, table tennis, fast mastering method.
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