Benefits of coordination ability development module for swimming lessons atprimary school
Postgraduate B.V. Auster1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
Objective of the study was to develop and pilot a coordination ability development module in swimming and aquatic team sport lessons under the primary school physical education course. Subject to the experiment were Experimental Group (EG) and Reference Groups (RG) of 10 schoolboys each. The trainees’ coordination abilities were tested by the following set of test: 4x9m shuttle sprint test; turns on a gymnastic bench tests; and Hirtz Test (numbered medicine ball run test). Most of the tests demonstrated benefits of the module as verified by the EG progress versus the RG. The study data and analyses showed practical benefits of the proposed coordination ability development module giving priority to the aquatic team games as verified by the progress tests of the primary schoolchildren.
Keywords: primary schoolchildren, coordination abilities, education module.
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