Sport sciences in search of disciplinary foundation




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.94-96

Dr.Sc.Philos., Professor Y.V. Larin
Tyumen State University, Tyumen

The study considers different viewpoints and concepts on how the sport sciences shall be further designed and developed. Many of them are widely different and, being ranked on the same scale, naturally may not be equally fair although at the same time neither of them may be qualified absolutely wrong. Moreover, each of them may be assumed to bear a sort of ‘grain of truth’ that may be identified, analysed and retained as a reasonable and valuable asset. Objective of the study was to outline the range of issues of methodological importance for each of them being duly addressed and developed. The study applied the following methods: structuring and systemic approach; and theoretical reflexion method. The study findings are the following: based on the modern developments in the science history and methodology, we offer a set of primary provisions for the integrated conception of sport sciences being developed. Special efforts in the study were made to outline the subjective and methodological specifications of philosophy, sportology, sport philosophy, sport theory, sport phenomenology and sport history in their interactions and interrelations.

Keywords: sport, philosophy, sportology, sport philosophy, sport theory, sport phenomenology, sport history.


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