Networking of civil organisations in youth tourism: problems and prospects
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.86-88
Yu.A. Karvunis1
Postgraduate L.Sh. Galyamova1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.L. Krainik3
Dr.Med., Professor L.V. Kapilevich2, 1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk
3Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul
Analysis of the innovative project activity of tourist and local-history-study civil organisations under the study showed a top priority being given to the networking cooperation of the relevant education institutions i.e. cooperation system building process to engage every process entity in the network and put on track effective operations based on fair social partnership, joint information campaigning, and due resource consolidation and management geared to find solutions for the problems they all face. For the networking cooperation of the tourist organisations being successful, a joint resource management centre shall be established to design, manage and support the networking efforts. Such management centre shall help integrate the local innovative processes and widely disseminate the innovative project experience for the benefit of the tourist and local-history-study projects and thereby more efficiently employ innovative approaches in the operations.
Keywords: tourist and local-history-study activity, innovations, civil organisations, project activity, youth tourism, sports and health tourism.
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