Interim progress analysis of adapted gymnastics practices in beginner footballers' training process
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.78-82
PhD, Associate Professor E.T. Kolunin
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The study considers and analyses benefits of the adapted gymnastic practices in the beginner footballers’ training process as verified by the footballers’ physical progress rating tests in the period of 2015 to 2017. It should be noted that the children’s physical progress tests showed wavelike progress profiles directly dependent on the individual physical development and applied training methods. The adapted gymnastic practices applied in the Experimental Group (EG) of the beginner footballers were prudently designed to ensure due body conditioning, health improvement and physical progress in the first training year. In the second training year, the EG trainings included the adapted gymnastic practices largely mimicking football skills to facilitate the football technique mastering and special physical progress. The study data and analyses demonstrated benefits of the adapted gymnastic practices for the beginner footballers’ training process designed with due account of the sensitive body development periods, kinesiological potentials and specific game requirements in the physical progress securing training process. The study found correlation of the overall and special physical progress rates in the beginner footballers..
Keywords: adaptation, gymnastics practices, physical training, physical qualities, beginner training, football.
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