Competitive performance modeling in sports aerobics
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.73-75
Postgraduate D.V. Chayun
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The study was designed to analyse the available literature on the precompetitive training in modern sports aerobics; and develop a theoretical precompetitive training model in ‘mixed couple’ nomination with a special emphasis on the artistic merits, execution and difficulty levels of the routines. It was found that special priority for success in the Russian Championships shall be given to the ‘difficulty’ levels of the routines with fairly good (on the traditional regional championship scale) rates in the ‘artistic merits’ and ‘execution’ aspects. The author has developed, in compliance with the valid Federal Athletic Training Standards for Sports Aerobics, a set of tests to identify model characteristics of elite competitors and apply them for the training process models and competitive success forecasts.
The study data and tests found most of the subjects being in perfect sport form albeit some athletes were recommended making a special emphasis on the overall endurance; and the female athletes recommended giving a higher priority to the speed-strength practices.
Keywords: sports aerobics, elite athletes, competitive performance model, model physical and technical fitness characteristics.
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