Sport progress tests for athletic training process management in sport schools




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.53-55

PhD V.V. Khristov1
PhD, Associate Professor D.N. Makaridin1
M.V. Alekseeva2
N.B. Soloshenko2
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
2Sports and Youth Policy Department, Tyumen Municipal Government, Tyumen

The study considers priorities of the athletic training process management and education initiatives in the long-term training system to improve the education and training process; and describes a newly proposed training efficiency improvement model applied at Tyumen schools. The new training models includes: athletes’ physical health and fitness monitoring system; analyses of the health progress test data; and actions to update the education and training system. New advanced training courses for the sport school managers, practitioners, senior coachers and instructors in every sport discipline may be described as one more step in the efforts to improve the long-term athletic training system planning and design components. The study reports benefits of the new training model as verified by the athletes’ physical and functional progress tests supported by staged medical examinations at the further sport specialisation and excellence stages in the cyclic sport disciplines at the Tyumen sport schools.

Keywords: health monitoring, planning, training process, workload, medical examinations, current and scheduled progress tests.


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