Physical progress of 8 year old boys at initial athletic training stage
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.49-52
Dr.Med., Professor N.Y. Prokopiev1
Dr.Med., Professor A.M. Durov1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The study contains a comparative analysis of the 8 year old boys’ physical progress data (classified by the key somatic types) mined in 2005, 2010 and 2016 in the initial athletic training groups in Tyumen. The physical progress classified by the body types (asthenic, thoracic, masculine and abdominal) was rated by the following anthropometrical characteristics: body length and mass; body trunk and limbs lengths; chest, shoulder, thigh and shin circumferences; widths of the shoulders and pelvis. The study data demonstrated that the asthenic and thoracic body dominated at first stage (2005) of the study versus the final-stage (2016) when abdominal type was dominant. The summarized body anthropometrics (including the body mass and length) of the sample was found to have notably grown for the study period in the natural growth acceleration process. The study data and analysis confirm the need for the regional children’s physical development standards being developed and updated on a regular basis for the sensitive growth periods. The study data and findings may be beneficial for the physical education and sports specialists when developing the children’s physical education programs, selecting children for sport groups and facilitating their vocational identification.
Keywords: physical development, boys, second childhood period, sports.
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