Preschooler' physical health monitoring studies: problems and solutions




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.46-48

PhD, Associate Professor T.P. Zavyalova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Starodubtseva1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen

The study lists and analyses the physical health problems diagnosed in the sample of 1,283 preschoolers of 5-7 years of age attending preschool establishments in Tyumen. It was found that health monitoring in kindergartens is associated with a few problems including: still imperfect regulatory and programmatic provisions; need in the test procedures being unified.
The study data and analyses made in possible to offer the following measures to improve the 5-7 year old preschoolers’ health monitoring in the Tyumen kindergartens: (1) Cooperative efforts of the municipal agencies under leadership of the Sports and Youth Policy Department and Education Department; (2) Due contribution from the researchers that offered the 5-7 year old preschoolers’ health monitoring and test system including physicality tests (30m/ 300m runs; standing long jumps; 30-second back-down prone trunk lifts; 3х10m shuttle sprints; standing bends forward), functionality tests (anthropometrics, spirometry, dynamometry, Kettle-2 body mass index); with support from the physical education university students to ensure objective data being mined for the studies; and (3) Modern software tools to store and analyse the relevant health test data.

Keywords: health monitoring studies, preschoolers’ physical health; 5-7 year old preschoolers, health monitoring problems, solutions.


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