Health-deficient schoolchildren's physical education competences rating methods and tools
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.43-45
Postgraduate G.B. Glazkova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Parfenova1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan
Objective of the study was to identify the key physical education competences and their rating criteria in application to the schoolchildren diagnosed with health disorders. As required by the relevant FSES, we identified the key physical education competences (values and senses, general cultural, cognitive, learning, communicative, social, labour, informational and personal developmental competences) of the mid-age schoolchildren diagnosed with health disorders. The key physical education competencies were applied to design a new physical education model for the mid-age schoolchildren diagnosed with health disorders (based on a competency-building approach). The experimental education model secures the relevant institutional and educational provisions to improve the physical progress and health of this health group. The education model was found beneficial as verified by the model piloting experiment with 90 health-deficient 5-6- grade schoolchildren (44 girls and 46 boys) of Gymnasia #58, 44 in Ulyanovsk sampled for the experiment.
We concluded that a modern physical education of schoolchildren with health disorders shall be designed to build up the relevant physical education competences, with the traditional school curricula being customised to harmonically integrate the cognitive and physical activity.
Keywords: health-deficient schoolchildren, physical education, competency-building approach, physical education competences.
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