Drug addiction primary prevention care based on physical education and sports tools
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.40-42
E.S. Yagudina
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Objective of the study was to rate the non-habitual drug users’ morphology and functionality and identify markers of high addiction risks. The Experimental Group of drug users was tested with notable negative changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and sagging functional rates versus the Reference Group. Furthermore, the non-habitual drug users were tested with negative responses of the cardiovascular system to physical workloads associated with a wide range of functional disorders, particularly in the cardiac electric activity that directly depends on the drug use experience. A few genetic predispositions were found in the male subjects prone to drug abuse including: increased occurrence of the simple dermatoglyphyc ‘arch’ patterns; higher crest counts in the loop and heliсine patterns; and higher total crest counts. We developed express-test software ‘NarcoVis’ to detect in early stages high-risk individuals referred for further active primary preventive care and pre-nosological drug tests. The study findings may be beneficial for developers of biomedical action programs for the youth health protection and improvement.
Keywords: young men, drugs, risk group, hereditary load, primary prevention.
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