Psychological, morphological and functional specifics of special health group students
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.36-39
Dr.Med. L.V. Rychkova1, 2
Dr.Biol. V.M. Polyakov1
PhD K.V. Sukhinina2
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Med. L.I. Kolesnikova1, 2
1Scientific Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
Subject to the study were the first- and second-year male students (n=60) qualified with the special health group at Irkutsk State University at Physics-Mathematics, Humanitarian and Natural Biology Departments. Experimental Group for the study was composed of 30 people including 15 people diagnosed with musculoskeletal system disorders (1st and 2nd grade thorax and thorax-loin scoliosis) and 15 people diagnosed with modest to average vegetovascular dystonia (VVD). Reference Group was composed of 30 virtually healthy males of the same age group. The first-year subjects were 17.8±1/12 years old (М±s), 177.0±4.8cm tall; and weighted 71.5±2.8kg on average (М±s). They were tested to obtain psychological status rates, anthropometrical characteristics and autonomic nervous system performance rates. Body mass indices of the subjects were all close to the lower limit, with the subjects diagnosed with musculoskeletal system disorders tested with the lowest bone mass rates. The subjects diagnosed with VVD were tested with low mental adaptability rates and high response rates in the functionality and frost tests.
Keywords: first-year students, psychological traits, adaptability, autonomic nervous system, componential body composition.
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