Special health group students' morphology., functionality and physical fitness analysis versus somatotypes and diagnoses




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.33-35

PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Gladenkova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.Y. Zhmykhova1
PhD, Associate Professor А.N. Vakulenko1
PhD, Associate Professor О.S. Yuzhikova1
1Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan

Objective of the study was to rate and analyse the special health group (SHG) students’ morphology, functionality and physicality versus their somatotypes and nosological diagnoses. The study was completed at Astrakhan State Technical University in 2010 to 2015, with 17-19 year old special health group students of both sexes (n=1648) being subject to the study. The subjects were examined and tested to obtain their body types by Shtefko-Ostrovskiy test adapted by S.S. Darskaya; body morphological characteristics (body length, mass, chest circumference) and functionality rates (trunk and wrist dynamometry) and physicality rates. The study found the lowest gender-unspecific physicality test rates in the SHG subjects of digestive somatotype with different diagnoses versus the other analysed somatotypes. The best physicality test rates were found in the thoracic-type male and female subjects (net of the masculine-type individuals).

Keywords:  special health group, somatotype, chronic diseases, functionality, physical fitness.


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