Physical fitness versus health rates of industrial university students trained in futsal groups




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.31-32

PhD O.V. Zlygostev1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Tatyаnenko1
1Tobolsk Industrial Institute, branch of Tyumen Industrial University, Tobolskбольск

Modern academic physical education is designed to give a top priority to the education components geared to protect and improve the students’ health. Optional academic sports are designed to effectively contribute to the students’ health improvement process and facilitate professional progress of the future specialists. The study considers the physical fitness versus health rates of Tobolsk Industrial University students trained in futsal groups.
The study found meaningful variations in the physical fitness versus health rates in the students trained in futsal groups versus the students trained in traditional academic sports who were tested with meaningless variations in the same rates. We believe that the academic team sports on the whole and futsal practices in particular are highly beneficial as verified by the physical progress and health rates of students. Therefore, we recommend futsal practices being given a higher priority in the modern academic physical education curricula as the accessible, highly efficient and universally applicable physical development tool that provides necessary emotional motivations for the young people’s health improvement activity.

Keywords: students, physical education, futsal, physical fitness, health rate.


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