Analysis of health situations in students and working young people
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.28-30
PhD, Associate Professor L.N. Shatilovich1
PhD, Associate Professor V.I. Nazmutdinova1
PhD, Associate Professor D.S. Rechapov1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The study considers a variety of problems associated with the modern young people’s health rating and improvement initiatives. A set of physical development, blood circulation and respiratory system rates, health self-rates and objective test rates were used to obtain gender-specific physicality profiles of the full-time physical education university students and young specialists working in the national physical culture and sports sector (juvenile and prime-maturity ages). The study data and analyses showed the male respondents’ health self-rates being higher than that of the female respondents albeit the health and adaptability tests yielded different data. The study found a meaningful growth of the systolic blood pressure up to the upper permissible limit in the working males; and its decrease to the lower limit of the permissible limit in female students; with domination of sympathicotonia-diagnosed females in the both groups and male students; and with most of the prime-maturity group males diagnosed with a modest parasympathicotonia. The study groups were different in the cardio-respiratory system reserves, with the female students tested with satisfactory reserves and every other study group with good reserves. A key role in the health improvement and GTO Complex implementation projects shall be played by professionally fit and well-motivated physical education and sports sector specialists providing health services to trainees; with every age group being duly informed on and interested in the projects.
Keywords: youth, physical development, functionality, health, professional fitness for GTO Complex services.
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