Educative resource of academic sporting environments
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.24-27
Dr.Hab., Professor I.V. Manzheley
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The study outlines the key modern challenges for the academic physical and patriotic education process and demonstrates that an educative resource of an academic sporting environment may be applied as the integrative notion determined by the priority sporting values and the environment-specific conditions and opportunities for the student’s personality being developed and self-developed on an integrated basis by the academic mass sports. Based on the modern ideas of environmental psychology and personality-centred approach, we consider the practical grounds and project design lines for an efficient integrated academic sporting environment being established. The study data and analyses showed that an efficient academic sporting environment helps expand the range of social contacts; encourage sporting activity; build up good communicative abilities and values in university students; with the students’ commitment for the academic sports playing the key role for the individual physicality and personality qualities of high importance for their personality progress and professional careers. Educative resource of every local academic sporting environment is determined by the content of the curricula, social relationship in the environment and the applied technologies geared to meet the physical progress related needs of the student population.
Keywords: educative resource, academic sporting environment, physical needs, conditions and opportunities.
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