Encouraging vocational interests in physical culture university students majoring in Martial Arts




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.21-23

PhD, Associate Professor T.G. Kotova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Dmitrieva1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen

The study analyses the ways to encourage vocational interests in physical culture university students majoring in the Martial Arts discipline, with a special priority given to: education process differentiation options; interests to the teaching careers; physical education and sporting needs, motivations and determinations; and individual physical progress experiences of the subjects. The study offers a classified modular education material with a special emphasis on the typical technical deficiencies in the modern competitive martial arts and special practices to correct them. Subject to the study were 146 first-year students of Physical Culture University majoring in Martial Arts. The subjects’ interest in the vocational field was encouraged by the following means: due motivations for determined activity in the sector; academic progress facilitating tools; and moderation method.
The new Martial Arts curriculum was designed to include a few systematized key didactic modules, with the group education curricula being updated in the academic education process. By the end of the pilot education course most of the subjects were tested with sustainable high interest in the vocational careers; with the overall physicality tested to stay at the same high level; special physical qualities tested to meaningfully improve; and the special physical skills tested to grow as well..

Keywords: interest in vocational career, education process differentiation, personal physical progress experience, modular education curriculum, typical deficiencies in martial arts techniques.


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