Motivations and values driven trajectories of qualifiers for Physical Education Olympiad




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.18-20

PhD E.A. Simonova1
PhD M.V. Bazilevich1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen

The study was designed to analyse the motivations and values driven trajectories and healthy lifestyles of qualifiers for the physical education Olympiad. Subject to the questionnaire survey under the study were 9-11-graders qualified for the Physical Education Olympiad in the academic year of 2016-17. One of the traditional goals of such Olympiads is to cultivate habitual determinations and motivations for physical practices viewed as an indispensable component of a healthy lifestyle. The survey found most of the subject being confident in their own health being perfect and, hence, their physical training and sporting activity and the relevant needs were rated ‘under the average’; and their motivations for physical practices were rated ‘average’. Most of the male and female respondents reported to prefer swimming practices and morning gymnastics, respectively, with their motivations dominated by the ‘need to improve health’. The survey components designed to probe the civic/ patriotic agendas and attitudes to the ‘Ready for Labour and Defence’ GTO Complex showed most of the subjects being highly patriotic, with their patriotic agendas and feelings largely cultivated by their families. Health was rated among the top priority life values by the subjects. The study shows the importance of further efforts to promote physical education values in the national school population as an indispensable component of a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: physical education, health values, healthy lifestyle, ‘Ready for Labour and Defence’ GTO Complex, patriotism.


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