Systemic management innovations in municipal physical culture and sports sector for success of juvenile delinquency prevention projects
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.6-8
Dr.Hab., Professor O.A. Selivanova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Khromin1, 2
A.A. Kraev2
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
2Tyumen city administration, Tyumen
The study gives an overview of the benefits of systemic management innovations in municipal physical culture and sports sector for success of juvenile delinquency and behavioural deviations prevention projects. The integrated systemic innovations may be classified into the following key components and efforts to: establish municipal clusters of physical training and sports facilities based on the social situation monitoring studies; prudently design and manage the physical culture and sport activities in the local communities; control the junior sports management quality; effectively integrate the relevant basic/ general, advanced and professional education services; and promote the municipal physical culture and sports projects by due communication, marketing and informational support activity. The study reports practical benefits of the systemic innovative projects in Tyumen including: reductions in the reported statistics of serious and gravest juvenile crimes in the first quarter of 2017; and reduction in the reported disorderly conducts, assaults for robbery, offences in public areas and thefts.
Keywords: crime prevention, physical culture and sports, juvenile delinquency, systemic innovations, infrastructure, integration, intensification.
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