National physical culture and sports sector long-term development strategy
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.3-5
Dr.Hab., Professor N.V. Parshikova1
Dr.Hab. S.I. Izaak2
PhD V.N. Malits1
1Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Russian University of Transport (RUT-MIIT), Moscow
Today a top priority among the objective needs of the country is given to the socio-economic development strategic planning initiatives. Objective of the study was to offer a set of reference points for the National Physical Culture and Sports Sector Long-term Development Strategy and identify the key expected benefits of the Strategy for the period up to 2020. We conclude that the National Physical Culture and Sports Sector Long-term Development Strategy up to 2030 shall be drafted with due consideration for the best foreign and Russian long-term strategic planning documents to prudently design the progress trajectory and attain the stated goals based on due analyses of the situation and a clear vision of the future result. The key objective, interim goals, scenarios and forecasts forming a basis for the Development Strategy shall be designed with due regard to the public, private business and non-governmental interests and to the national human resource development agenda.
Keywords: strategic planning, Strategy, forecasts, reference points, human resource.
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