Polysubjective management system efficiency in academic sports in context of physical self-improvement agenda



PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Peshkova
Surgut State University, Surgut

The study was designed to analyse the academic sports polysubjective management system efficiency in the context of physical self-improvement agenda. It was performed at the Physical Education Department of Surgut State University in May 2017. Subject to the questionnaire survey by forms of special design were the first-to-third year students (n=876) not majoring in physical education.
The study demonstrated benefits of the academic sports polysubjective management system as it maintains high levels of the students’ satisfaction both by the optional academic sport services and obligatory physical education and sports curricula. It should be noted that 60% and 40% of the male and female third-year students, respectively, report confidence in active sports playing high role in their life upon graduation from the university, with the negative responses making up only 7.8%. These and other study data were indicative of benefits of the academic sports polysubjective management system in the context of the physical self-improvement agenda.

Keywords: sportization, university sports, integration, sport club, university sport club, physical education department, polysubjective management system.


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