Wrestling-based sportizated physical education technology for primary pupils
PhD N.V. Andrianova1
V.V. Mitusov1
PhD M.V. Andrianov1
1State Social Humanitarian University, Moscow Region, Kolomna
2Sports Greco-Roman Wrestling School "Spartak", Moscow region, Kolomna
Objective of the study was to rate benefits of the wrestling-based sportizated competitive physical education technology for primary pupils. Modern physical education technology may be described as a system of interrelated and complementary elements designed to attain specific goals in the general and special physical education components.
The study data and analysis showed that the universal tools of modern wrestling are highly beneficial since they offer broader opportunities for a school physical education teacher to improve the children’s health and step up their physical fitness rates. Universal practices of the modern wrestling systems help form the universal learning qualities in students. The learning qualities formation mechanism is outlined as the universal wrestling motor skill development technology.
Keywords: sportizated approach, technology, physical education, students, Greco-Roman wrestling, physical training.
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