Educational and sporting framework provided by national sports for individual physical self-improvement



PhD, Associate Professor V.G. Torgovkin1
PhD, Associate Professor M.I. Borokhin1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Kochnev1
E.P. Kudrin1
Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk


Keywords: students, physical self-improvement, sports educational framework, mas-wrestling, ethnic Hapsagay wrestling, technology.

Background. The government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) gives a special priority to the children’s, youth and academic sports advancement initiatives. In the ongoing reform of the national education system on the whole and the physical culture and sports sector in particular [3], with the growing attention given to ethnic mas-wrestling and Hapsagay wrestling sports promoted by the International Sport Federation FILA (2010) within the United Wrestling World (UWW) initiative, a high priority is currently being given to studies of these ethnic sport disciplines, and in this context the youth physical education and excellence system (in special application to school graduates and university students) needs to be modernised to capitalise on the ongoing ethnic sports advocacy and advancement process.

Analyses of the current physical education situation in the Republican educational system show a few gaps between the multisided nature of the physical perfection agenda – and the stagnation of the traditional school and academic education processes; and between the general theoretical grounds presently available for the system advancement – and the shortage of the ethnic regional commitment for the new educational systems and technologies. 

The natural physical self-development and perfection agendas are driven by a variety of complex biological motivations (reflexes): game, imitational and freedom motivations closely interconnected with individual physical demands and activity. For the natural demand for physical activity to be satisfied, an individual needs to master and accumulate, since the early days, certain knowledgebase, skills and game experience acting with toys, appliances and other things. At the more advanced physical development stage, the demand for physical perfection grows with the fast progress in the cognitive and self-actualisation domains coming to its natural peak in the teen- and youth age groups. This natural need, as provided by M.V. Vilenskiy and I.I. Portnyagin, may be classified as social needs and interpreted as an integrated driving force for physical activity dominated by different motivations (body shaping, working capacity building, confidence cultivation etc.).

Methods and structure of the study. For the purposes of the study, we revised and accepted the basic provisions of a few leading researchers [1, 3, 5] to identify the following systemic elements of a physical self-improvement path: efficient physical progress management customised to age- and gender-specific qualities and ethnical, morphological and functional traits; efficient individual resource management; and provisioning for ethnic and regional traits in the individual physical self-perfection path design – in the context of the “underage, teenage and youth physical education infrastructure restoration projects implemented at Russian universities – for the national health resource to be duly developed via the values-driven physical education and sporting culture” [3]. We applied a few theoretical and practical study tools including the educational experiment, educational and competitive process monitoring, questionnaire surveys and individual interviews to obtain study data.

The study was carried out at the premises of Physical Culture and Sports Institute of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. Subject to the study were 40 highly-skilled academic wrestlers (including members of the Republican picked team) split up into Study (SG) and Reference Group (RG); 2 trainer-instructors specialising in ethnic Hapsagay wrestling; 2 ethnic mas-wrestling trainers; and 1 sport physician. The athletic sample included 20 Masters of Sports of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in ethnic sports (10 Hapsagay wrestling Masters and 10 mas-wrestling Masters) and 20 Class I Athletes who studied in 2015-16.

Study results and discussion. Striving to design the study on the most efficient basis, we first reconsidered and accepted the views of M.Y. Vilenskiy and a few other leading analysts on the tools and methods applied to build up the physical self-perfection agenda in promising students in the obligatory academic physical education process; and then applied a local technology of our own design to offer a staged physical perfection model in application to the promising sporting students that includes the following 3 stages.

At Stage I, attitudes of the sporting SG and RG students to the academic and self-reliant physical education and training processes were tested to rate the current knowledgebase, skills and abilities forming the individual physical fitness; with the rating data being obtained by the questionnaire surveys, monitoring, tests, expert valuations etc.. 

At Stage II, we identified and partially theoretically grounded the key provisions for the individual physical self-perfection agendas including the following: commitment of the future sport leaders to fully mobilise their own resources for success in vocational sports in general and the ethnic mas-wrestling and Hapsagay wrestling sports in particular; establish and advance the local sporting and educational environment at the National Sports and Ethnic Games department and in the summer training camp for students’ research groups running the following studies: “National sports and games of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia: application methods to advance traditional physical education process”; and the “Objective guidelines for wrestlers’ technical and tactical progress”. The group members sampled for the Study Group are actively involved in the Regional Mas-wrestling Sport Advancement Program that is designed to advance these ethnic sports to have them listed with the international Olympic sports; promote healthy lifestyle; and support the traditional municipal-level events including the Healthy Lifestyle Week; Health Improvement Jogging Decade etc. We appreciate a valuable contribution of the active participants to the research project “Physical fitness and functional state rating methods in application to Yakut mas-wrestlers” to the Federal Mas-wrestling Standard development process.

At Stage III, we applied the progress tests, individual interviews, analyses of the Self-control Logbooks, and competitive progress analyses using the records of the relevant Russian and international competitions, plus the points scored by the Study Group wrestlers for the period of 2015-2016 to prove benefits of the new local physical self-perfection technology in application to the promising academic mas-wrestlers and Hapsagay wrestlers. We found that the new technology facilitates the transition from the sport basics mastering phase (giving the minimal necessary motor skills) to the physical excellence phase by means of the progress-encouraging sporting and education environment; and also gives the means to make timely adjustments to the education and training process content in the training and competitive cycles.

The new local physical self-perfection technology benefits were tested by a set of progress tests to rate a variety of factors including the following: progress in competitive fitness; motor versatility related progress; commitment to the socially important goals and missions of the sport; and individual progress in sport mastery.

Conclusion. The individual physical self-development and self-perfection agenda of the locals is largely driven by the traditional lifestyles of the indigenous Sakha people including the presently advanced ethnic sports, and this genuine culture is still indispensable for the physical and intellectual progress of the Republican young generation. Our analysis of the competitive records of the subject mas- and Hapsagay-wrestlers showed that the Study Group competitive performance (wins vs. losses) was better than that of the Reference Group, with the SG students showing the highest progress in the offensive actions that averaged 1.2 per bout. Thus the study data and analyses showed that the ethnic mas-wrestling and Hapsagay wrestling practices may be recommended as efficient national sporting and educational systems to bring up new generations of decent healthy young people.


  1. Vilenskiy M.Y. Fizicheskaya kultura v nauchnoy organizatsii protsessa obucheniya v vysshey shkole [Physical education in scientific organization of academic learning process]. Moscow: MSPI publ., 1982, 156 p.
  2. Zatsiorskiy V.M. Fizicheskie kachestva sportsmena: osnovy teorii i metodiki vospitaniya. 3-e izd.  [Athlete's physical qualities: fundamentals of theory and methods of education. 3rd ed.]. Moscow: Sovetskiy sport publ., 2009, 200 p. ISBN 978-5-9718-0340-9.
  3. Portnyagin I.I., Danilov D.A. Vzaimosvyaz fizicheskogo i intellektualnogo razvitiya lichnosti v natsionalnykh traditsiyakh naroda sakha [Interrelation of physical and intellectual development of individual in national traditions of Sakha people]. Vospitanie intellektualno razvitoy lichnosti [Intellectually developed personality training]. Yakutsk: YSU publ., 2002, pp. 57-78.
  4. Portnyagin I.I. Intellektualnoe razvitie shkolnika-sportsmena [Intellectual development of school athlete]. Moscow: Academia publ., 1999, 96 p.
  5. Portnyagin I.S. Etnopedagogika «Kut-sur»; pedagogicheskie vozzreniya naroda sakha [Ethnopedagogics "Kut-sur"; Pedagogical views of Sakha people]. Moscow: Academia publ., 1999, 184 p.
  6. Stolyarov V.I., Bal'sevich V.K., Mochenov V.P., Lubysheva L.I. Modernizatsiya fizicheskogo vospitaniya i fizkulturno-sportivnoy raboty v obscheobrazovatelnoy shkole [Modernization of physical education and physical culture and sports activities at secondary school]. Moscow: Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury i sporta publ.,  2009, 320 p.

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The study considers the ways to design the students’ individual physical self-improvement paths. Objective of the study was to offer combinations of training tools to facilitate progress of promising academic athletes and cultivate a permanent physical self-improvement agenda in them. Having analysed the key ideas of the leading researchers on the subject, the authors offered the following systemic elements of a physical self-improvement path: efficient physical progress management customised to age- and gender-specific qualities and ethnical, morphological and functional traits; efficient individual resource management; and provisioning for the ethnic and regional traits in the individual physical self-perfection path design – in the context of the “underage, teenage and youth physical education infrastructure restoration projects implemented at Russian universities – for the national health resource to be duly developed by values-driven physical education and sporting culture”. Subject to the study were 40 second-to-fourth-year students majoring in National Sports and Ethnic Games.  The study data and analyses showed that the ethnic mas-wrestling and Hapsagay wrestling practices may be recommended as efficient national sporting and educational systems to bring up new generations of decent healthy young people.