Team sports driven physical education of senior preschoolers



Dr.Hab., Professor M.A. Vershinin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Finogenova1
O.A. Saburkina1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd


Keywords: physical education of senior preschoolers, team sports driven physical education of preschoolers.

Background. It is the preschool age when the basis of person's health is built up within the frame of the natural body growth and progress and the individual socialising process, with the harmonised development of the mental and physical components, growing perceptions and knowledge of the world and progress of the individual's qualities and abilities [2]. Sports-driven physical education may be interpreted as the structured children’s activity geared to develop basics of individual physical culture and sporting agenda with the related abilities and skills, plus due motivations for physical training and sporting activity to facilitate the fundamentals of the individual physical, mental and social health and the children’s sport agenda being built up [1]. The underage sports-driven physical education system is to be designed to laconically and organically combine the sporting, training and competitive components of the physical education process, plus duly combine the motor, cognitive and creative activities in the process [3]. A wide variety of the underage activities and communication elements is to be put together so as to facilitate the emotional and volitional qualities being actively developed, with a special priority given to game activities in the process. It is in the game process that children try a variety of game roles learning to perceive events and situations from different viewpoints, consider and respect interests and actions of other people and comply with the rules and standards. Since every game to some extent models different aspects of real social processes, the game process naturally facilitates a child’s development process in the most harmonised and multisided way [4].

Objective of the study was to develop and theoretically substantiate an active team sports-driven physical education model for senior preschoolers.

Methods and structure of the study. The team sports (football, basketball and handball) driven physical education model was tested by an educational experiment at a few preschool education establishments (PEE) in the city of Volgograd in the period of 2012 to 2016, with over 200 boys and girls aged 6-7 years being subject to the tests. The test program was designed to rate different aspects of the children’s physical fitness and their emotional and volitional qualities.

Study results and discussion. The team sports-driven physical education model implied transition from one team game to the other after some preliminary training. We believe that it is beneficial to split up the preschoolers’ annual physical education cycle into the following three stages with the relevant missions and objectives: Stage 1: basketball basics (technical and tactical skills) mastering course; Stage 2: handball basics; and Stage 3: football basics; with every stage including the following three periods.

The first period mission is body conditioning. Training activity in this period is designed to secure harmonised physical development and good multisided physical fitness. Content of the body conditioning (GPC) process is dominated by the physical practices and team games designed to help master the key motor techniques and develop basic physical abilities in the trainees. The BC process tasks are arranged so as to gradually develop the teamwork skills in children in the following sequence: games with no teams formed; followed by no-contact team games; and then followed by contact team games (implying contacts with opponents). A transition from one game to the other is timed to the moment when at least 70% of the trainees have learned to comply with the rules of the game; and work with the others is continued in practical active games outdoors.

The second period mission is technical training. Training activity in this period is dominated by the practices and games preparing the trainees for the basketball, handball and football basics mastering stage. The key goal of the period is to help the children learn the general logics of the game techniques on the whole. The game actions are learnt in practical exercises followed by their effective application in the practical team game conditions. Such a design of the learning process makes it somewhat more complicated compared to the exercising-only training model. Generally, the game techniques are primarily mastered in simplified condition (shorter distances, larger-diameter hoop for shooting the ball through etc.) followed by a transition to the standard game conditions as provided by the rules; and, finally, moving to the special active games with the actions and techniques close to competitive ones, with a permanent opposition in the training. The training model in this period a special emphasis is made on the introductory practices.

And the third period mission is tactical training. The training process content in this period is dominated by the exercises and games to help establish due interactions of the teammates of the basketball, handball and football teams acting against an opposing team. The children get simple and understandable explanations on why, when and how one or another technique is applied and what the relevant game situations and purposes are. The theoretical knowledge is then applied in active practices and game elements to master the tactical skills.

The team sports-driven physical education model for senior preschoolers designed by the authors was tested by an educational experiment and proved beneficial as verified by the following meaningful harmonic improvements in the children’s motor abilities: 20.3% (р < 0.001) growth of the strength abilities; 6.4-14.9% (р < 0.01-0.001) growth of the speed-strength abilities; 9.9-11.6% (р < 0.001) growth of the speed abilities; 4.4% (р < 0.05) growth of endurance rates; and 15.2-22.7% (р < 0.01-0.001) growth of the coordination abilities. The author’s model piloting experiment was also beneficial for the children’s emotional and volitional qualities as verified by the following test rates: the activity independence rate (indicative of the children’s ability to not only fulfil the coach’s directions but also act independently for success) was tested to grow by 25.8% (р < 0.001); the teammates’ emotions assessment ability was tested to grow by 44.2% (р < 0.01); and own capacity self-rating ability was tested to improve by 22.6% (р < 0.01).

Conclusion. The experimental team sports-driven physical education model gives a top priority to the exercises and active games that prepare for and facilitate the handball, basketball and football techniques being mastered including every key elements of the basic movements (walking, running, jumping skills etc.), with due focus on the physical qualities (coordination, speed-strength, speed and endurance) development components. The key objective of the process is to help the children master the actions and techniques pivotal for the individual actions and teamwork in handball, basketball and football; and to cultivate due emotional and volitional qualities important for the competitive process control and success.


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The study was designed to develop an active team sports driven physical education model for senior preschoolers, with over 200 boys and girls aged 6-7 years being subject to the tests. The test program was designed to profile different aspects of the children’s physical fitness including their emotional and volitional qualities. The team sport elements were included in the regular sportizated physical education program so as to secure a transition from one team sport to the other via a prior training process. We believe that it is beneficial to have the preschoolers’ annual physical education cycle split up into the following three stages with the relevant missions and objectives: Stage 1: basketball basics (technical and tactical skills) mastering course; Stage2: handball basics; and Stage 3: football basics.

The study data and analyses show that the team sports driven physical education of senior preschoolers is beneficial as verified by their improved general physical fitness rates and the emotional and volitional ability rates, the progress being largely achieved due to the positive effects of the competitive teamwork.