Secondary schoolchildren's sport motivations building in school physical education process
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №4-2017, pp.60-63
PhD, Associate Professor G.N. Tkhazeplova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Tkhazeplov1
1Kabardino-Balkarian Berbekov state university, Nalchik
Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for and test benefits of the sporting motivations building model in application to the secondary schoolchildren. Subject to the model testing experiment were pupils of a small-size secondary school in the village of Inarkoy in the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic. The 7-9-graders were subject to a questionnaire survey to test their sport motivations at different stages of the experiment to rate benefits of the experimental motivations-building model. The fact-finding educational experiment was designed to make a comparative analysis of the actual study data versus the reported one interview the physical education teacher who also trains an elective volleyball group in the school. To build up the motivations and determinations to apply practical motor skills in games, the school physical education lessons were reformed with a higher priority given to team sports and competitive methods i.e. the lessons included active sports and special volleyball and basketball practices.
The study showed that schoolchildren's motivations for sports may be effectively increased by inclusion of team sports and game practices (up to 50% of the content) to both meet the natural cognitive and physical needs of the trainees and make the physical education process more appealing and forming a conscientious need for physical activity.
Keywords: motivation, physical education, motor qualities, increased motor activity of schoolchildren, sport competitions.
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