11-13 year-old judokas' psychomotor ability tests and analyses




Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №4-2017, pp.34-36

A.A. Khorunzhiy
Smolensk State College (Technical School) of Olympic Reserve, Smolensk

The study analyses the research data indicative of the psychomotor progress of junior judokas. The mental and physiological progress tests including the simple visual motor response, differentiating response tests and some other tests serve as valuable tools in the pre-season training process. Generally the tests found low psychomotor ability rates in the 11-13 judokas that largely slow down the junior athletes’ harmonized development process and competitive progress.
The study data and analyses showed that the junior judokas’ education and training systems need to give a higher priority to the experimental physical training and health improvement technologies designed to speed up the psychomotor ability development processes to both facilitate their progress in motor techniques and help them better cope with the training process loads.

Keywords: judo, junior athletes, psychomotor abilities, tests, simple visual motor response, functional abilities.


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