Building managerialьcompetences in physical education and sport university students
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №4-2017, pp.5-7
PhD, Associate Professor G.B. Belova1
Dr.Sc.Ec., Professor I.V. Lavrentyeva2
PhD, Associate Professor L.I. Moseeva3
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Lobashova3
1Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm
2Chelyabinsk Branch of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service, Chelyabinsk
3Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
The study considers a managerial competency building model in the context of the key competences specified by the Federal Standards for the physical education and sport specialists – applied in the academic Management Decision Developing and Making course. The managerial competency building model was designed based on new practical learning technologies. The Management Decision Developing and Making course was designed based on the modern developmental education theory including the relevant problem-setting and individual resource mobilization concepts that make it possible to identify, rate and develop specific personality qualities in students and model their future professional competences.
Keywords: managerial competences, skills, manager, sport organization, professional activity, modelling, education.
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