First-aid knowledge and skills rating in context of GTO complex tests
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.96-98
Dr.Med., Associate Professor O.A. Malkov1
Dr.Biol. A.A. Govorukhina1
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor O.L. Nifontova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Bagnetova1
A.A. Novoselova1
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
The study was designed to rate the first-aid knowledge and skills of the specialists (n=69) responsible for the students’ training for and testing by the GTO Complex tests; with a special emphasis on the cardiopulmonary resuscitation process knowledge and skills. The questionnaire survey found 90% of the respondents self-rating their first-aid knowledge and skills as sufficient. However, the objective knowledge rating tests yielded the following rates: in the “Clinical death diagnostics”, “Chest compressions” and “Forced lung ventilation” departments, only 12%, 36% and 18% of the subjects, respectively, showed a satisfactory knowledge. The practical cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills of the sampled subjects (n=54) were tested on a dummy and the tests showed one of five group members being unskilful in the CPR. Furthermore, the whole sample was tested fully unknowledgeable and unskilful in applying an automatic external defibrillator. Generally the study found that the traditional annual briefings and periodical practical training courses fail to train knowledgeable and skilful specialists capable of providing the first aid.
Keywords: GTO, safety, sudden cardiac death (SCD), cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
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