Adaptive responses of neuromuscular system to training loads in youth kettlebell lifting sport
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.53-55
PhD, Associate Professor R.M. Gimazov1
PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Bulatova1
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
The modern youth kettlebell lifting sport is particularly sensitive to the physical workload design and management by the coaches. The article reports a few cases of regress in the individual muscular synergy and kinaesthetic sensitivity in junior athletes due to the individual adaptive mechanisms being overstressed by the mismanaged training. For the purposes of the study we applied a stabilometric version of the Romber’s eyes-open probe in the “American stance” to profile the pressure centre fluctuation biomechanics, with the subject alternatively holding the kettlebell on the chest and above the head with the right and left hands for 12 seconds. The study was performed in October and December 2016 and March 2017 in the Physical Education and Ethnic Pedagogical Research Laboratory of Surgut State Pedagogical University, with 3 athletes being subject to the study.
The study data and analyses showed that the modern diagnostic methods and tools designed to rate the neuromuscular system responses to physical workloads often yield quite contradictory physical and technical progress data when junior athletes are tested. We believe that some initial physical and technical progress demonstrated by junior athletes may be associated with concealed disadaptational effects in the neuromuscular system that later may seriously hamper progress of the athletes and their competitive accomplishments.
Keywords: physical load, kinesthetic sensitivity, muscle synergy, athletes, stabilometry.
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