Educational motivations building in non-pedagogical academic curricula using Olympic education methods at pedagogical university



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.41-43

PhD F.N. Soldatenkov
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to rate benefits of the Olympic education for the priority values and motivations building in the students majoring in non-pedagogic academic disciplines of a pedagogical university. Subject to the two-stage two-years-long educational process experiment were 68 first-year students majoring in Economics and Personnel Management and split up into four equal groups including two Study Groups and two Reference Groups. The Olympic education effects were classified and rated by the following 3 key components of the academic education progress: knowledge (rated by the Olympic movement knowledge test) component; axiological component (rated by the M. Rokich’ Priority Values test); and motivational component (rated by the A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin’s Educational Motivation Test).
The test data rating the effects of the Olympic education on the students majoring in non-pedagogical disciplines proved its benefits as verified by the subjects’ progress in the individual health protection and improvement agenda, cognitive motivations, self-development determinations and the educational motivations building aspects.
Game education method was found particularly efficient in the Olympic education process as it was tested to contribute to the quality of the students’ cognitive activity; improve the educational motivations; make them feel at ease and, hence, better and faster adapt to the academic education environment.

Keywords: Olympic education, students, game like method, value orientations, academic motivation.


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