Physical education and sports department students residing in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District (Yugra); regulatory mechanisms and vascular system condition analysis
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.25-27
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor A.A. Govorukhina1
Dr.Med., Associate Professor O.A. Malkov1
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor О.L. Nifontova1
A.A. Novoselova1
PhD E.E. Ibragimova2
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Simferopol
The study was designed to analyse the vascular system condition, vegetative NS regulation and mental conditions of the Physical Education and Sports Department students residing in the Russian Northern Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region (Yugra). The study data demonstrated a high contribution of the parasympathetic division of the NS to the heart rhythm control, with contributions of different components to the heart rhythm vegetative regulation spectrum being rated. We found domination of the HF-component characteristic of the spectrum scale in the high-frequency range and vagal control of the heart rhythm; calculated the centralisation, subcortical centres activation and tension indices; found statistically meaningful gender-specific differences in the tension indices; determined the blood vessels stiffness and age rates; identified the students whose blood vessels age is notably older than the formal age; demonstrated that the female subjects’ blood vessels stiffness was higher than that of the male subjects; found gender differences in the personal anxiety, depression, stress and the key control mechanisms performance rates; and found stresses in 21% of the female and 8% of the male subjects, with 4.4% of the males diagnosed with significant stresses. The study data may be applied for screening purposes in off-clinical diagnoses of atherosclerosis and high cardiovascular risk groups.
Keywords: vessels, vegetative regulation, stress, adaptation.
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