Rekitsen-RD bioactive food additive administered on regular basis: effects on runners' functionality rates



Dr.Biol., Professor N.N. Sentyabrev1
PhD A.G. Kamchatnikov1
Dr.Med., Associate Professor Е.P. Gorbaneva1
Dr.Biol., Professor I.N. Solopov1
A.R. Juraev1
N.A. Koreneva1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd


Keywords: heart rate variability, immune system, Rekitsen-RD bioactive food additive.

Introduction. Intensive physical activity can adversely affect the function of the human immune system [2, 9]. Its close connection with the autonomic nervous system causes a change in the functional state of the body of an athlete with deterioration of its immune status [4, 6]. The inclusion of the dietary fiber by means of Rekitsen-RD BAFA normalizes the intestinal microflora and has a positive impact on the immune function [3]. However, it is unclear whether supplementation of Rekitsen-RD can impact the state of the regulatory system. Such information is important for the regulation of the use of the supplement in sports practice for the functional state optimization [1].

Objective of the study was to define the effect of regular administering Rekitsen-RD by athletes on the regulation mechanisms.     

Research methods and structure. Subject to the study were track athletes, sprinters and middle-distance runners (control group G1, n=10; reference group G2, n=9; 18-20 years old, qualification ranging from first degree to Candidate Master of Sports). The sprinters of both groups did not differ significantly in training loads. Loads in the compared groups of middle-distance runners did not differ either. Functional state (FS) was assessed at the beginning and at the end of the study using the heart rate variability method (HRV). The absolute values of HRV and the degree of changes in them (Δ) were compared. KPFK 99M “Psychomat” system was used for HRV recording. G1 athletes have been taking Rekitsen-RD for 1 month (a tablespoon 3 times a day during meals).

Research results and discussion. Prior to the study, the status of the regulatory systems of its subjects did not differ significantly (р>0.05, see Table 1). Based on the types of vegetative regulation concept [5], the subjects of the study were assigned to groups with a moderate prevalence of the central (n=10) and autonomous regulation (n=7). There were no extreme regulation types. The values of RMSSD, LF and VLF showed the predominance of the autonomous regulation circuit to a greater extent in G1 subjects. This was also confirmed by the HR values in G1 and G2. Therefore, we can assume that the role of the autonomous circuit and, accordingly, the impact of the parasympathetic segment of the regulation are more pronounced in G1. 

 Table 1. HRV indices dynamics at various stages of the research


Control group (G1, n=10)

Reference group (G2, n=9)

Initial FS

After BAFA supplementation

Initial FS

A month later

HR, bpm





SDNN, ms










Mx DMn, ms





Mo, ms





AMo, %





SI, c.u.





IRMA, c.u.





ULF, %





VLF, %


21.44 ±2.92



LF, %





HF, %





LF/НF, c.u.





IARS, c.u.





Note: *p<0.05.

The study was repeated 1 month later. No changes in the regulation types were observed during this time (see Table 1). There were no significant changes in the absolute values of HRV upon completion of BAFA administering in G1 (р>0.05). Frequency analysis indicators LF/НF and ULF changed significantly in G2.

Nevertheless, the dynamics of the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation segments in the compared groups was different. Changes in SDNN and RMSSD reflected a slight decrease in parasympathetic influences in G1, while they increased in G2. All the G1 and G2 athletes experienced a decrease in the degree of tension of the regulation mechanisms by SI values, but the decrease was more pronounced in G1 than in G2 (by 35.34% and 24.09%, respectively). Regulation mechanisms adequacy (IRMA) remained almost the same in G1, while in G2 it decreased to the normal range (50 c.u.).

In general, the nature of changes occurred could be assessed by the IARS dynamics reflecting the adaptive capabilities of the research subjects. IARS values did not exceed the optimal range either before or after Rekitsen-RD supplementation. However, while a tendency of decreasing adaptive capabilities of the body (an increase in the IARS value up to the border of the norm) was observed in G2, the subjects' adaptive capabilities tended to increase (a decrease in IARS, optimization of the indicator) in G1.   

According to the frequency analysis data, the picture of the regulation segment changes was slightly different. The share of the high-frequency component - HF – increased insignificantly in G1, as well as that of the low-frequency part of the HRV spectrum - LF (by 6.5% and 7.2%, respectively). This reflected a relative increase in the role of parasympathetic influences. The increased specific gravity of the low-frequency component (LF) is characteristic of athletes [4], an increase of this part of the spectrum (vasomotor waves) indicates the predominance of nonspecific mechanisms in the heart rate regulation. LF/НF ratio increased considerably less in G1 than it did in G2 (by 10.2%, р>0.05 and 57.5%, р<0.05, respectively). It can be concluded that the regulatory balance in G2 is predominantly shifted towards parasympathetic influences, while a slight increase in sympathetic influences took place in G1.  

The high level of representation of the very low frequency component – VLF – also showed a moderately pronounced growth of sympathetic influences in the absence of energy deficient states in G1 [6]. Significant differences in the decrease of ULF share in the compared groups (by 33.8% in G1 and 64.7% in G2) may be related to greater intensity of the metabolic processes in the reference group.

Additional analysis of the degree of changes in HRV parameters conducted to clarify the regulatory processes dynamics revealed significant differences between the groups. Sympathetic influences increased in G1, while in G2 their share decreased (the increase by 16.96 ± 8.25 and decrease by 10.34 ± 10.01 (р<0.05) for Δ RMSSD versus 12.5±30.78 and 118.75 ± 45.26 for Δ Mo ms respectively, р<0.05). The increase of adaptive capabilities was reflected in a decrease of Δ IARS (-0.38±0.44) in G1, and they decreased in G2, Δ IARS =+0.71±0.28 (intergroup differences are significant, р<0.05).  Also, different in trends although insignificant for CG and RG, were Δ SDNN (18.11±30.15 and -15.71±14.91 ms, respectively, р>0.05) and Δ IRMA (in CG – 0.09±7.57 c.u., in RG – 5.70±4.15, р>0.05). Thus, this analysis confirmed the existence of the trends described above.

The survey showed that the majority of G1 athletes experienced digestive system improvements (70.6% of CG members). They noted a decrease in negative sensations (bloating, pain, etc), bowel movement normalization, an increase in its frequency (64.7% of CG members). Skin condition improvements were noted by 42.9% of individuals taking Rekitsen-RD. Analysis of the athletes’ diary entries showed that in comparison with the same period last year G1 athletes suffered less from infectious diseases/URI (11 out of 17 people, 64.7%). These data objectively showed the positive effect of Rekitsen-RD on the immune system. 

Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, it can be assumed that the positive effects of Rekitsen-RD are due to the immune and autonomous nervous system functioning being consolidated. The increase in intensity of sympathetic influences reflects an increase in supra-segmental influences as well as intensity of energy metabolism processes. This increases the adaptive capacity of the body. It may be a consequence of an improved interaction between the central nervous system and the immune system, the leading adaptive systems of the body, which is important for maintaining homeostasis. Activation of the immune system while taking bioactive food additives is the reason for a certain shift in the vegetative equilibrium towards the predominance of the sympathetic influences. This can be confirmed by the evidence that the humoral immunity enhancement causes sympathetic activation. Therefore, one of the conditions for regulating the use of supplements, including BAFA, that have an immunomodulatory effect, is taking into account the reactions of the sympathetic nervous system.  


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Subject to the study were two groups of sprinters and middle-distance runners (Group 1 and 2), with the G1 athletes who have been administering the Rekitsen-RD bioactive food additive (BAFA) for one month and G2 being a reference group. At every stage of the study, the heart rate variability (HRV) of the subjects was tested. After the monthly experiment, tests showed a notable growth of the parasympathetic effects as verified by the HRV indices of G2 group versus the G1 test data showing an insignificant growth of sympathetic activity and а growing trend of the role of the central regulatory system. In addition, the G1 athletes were tested with more expressed drop in tension of the regulation mechanisms. The regulatory system activity profiles for G2 showed the body adaptive capability falling trend versus the growing trend in G1. The above intergroup trends were supported by the significant intergroup differences of the HRV data. Having analyzed the training logs of the G1 athletes, we found subjectively rated improvements in the digestive and immune system conditions verified, among other things, by a drop in the infectious/cold sickness rates. There are reasons to believe that the positive effects of Rekitsen-RD BAFA are due to the immune and autonomous nervous system activities being consolidated and the regulatory system activity being improved with the balance insignificantly shifted towards the sympathetic activation mechanism.