Testing dynamic component of strength ability in 10-17 year-old footballers



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.31-33

PhD O.V. Zlygostev
Tobolsk Industrial Institute, branch of Tyumen Industrial University, Tobolsk

The modern football sport reserve training systems give a high priority to the strength tests to assess the player’s ability to effectively play and compete in matches. Objective of the study was to complete a set of system tests to obtain the strength ability variation data and apply them for further improvement of the 10-17 year-old footballers’ education and training stages within an annual training cycle. The study was designed to analyse the strength ability variation data obtained by isometric dynamometry of the leg extension in the knee and hip joints. The dynamometric test data showed that the period of 12 to 14 years of age is the most sensitive to the strength- and speed-strength training and reasonable strength and speed-strength building tools should be applied on a differentiated basis in this period to secure success of the relevant abilities development process.

Keywords: junior footballers, annual training cycle, strength abilities, dynamic component, strength gradient.


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