Sports coach's professional competences integration a in higher physical education system



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.14-16

Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Fedorov
Dr.Hab., Professor L.V. Blinov2
1Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk
2Pacific State University, Khabarovsk

Subject to the study was the sport coach’s professional competences integration within the higher physical education system. The study primarily addressed some contradictions of the modern amateur and professional elite sports with a special emphasis on the job responsibilities as provided by the Professional Coach Standard and the relevant professional competences under the Federal State Higher Education Standards (FSHES) for the academic Physical Education discipline. The authors recommend the valid professional and educational standards being duly harmonized with the sport coaches’ training programs with the relevant revisions made to the existing three-level higher physical education system.
The authors came to conclusion that the professional competences of a sport coach are to be harmonized with the qualification requirements of the valid Professional Coach Standard and the relevant sport-discipline-specific FSHES so as the education processes in special education establishments were duly differentiated in terms of the education stage missions and activity-specific structures. Due integration of the professional competences is attained only when supported by the conscientious self-identification and self-fulfilment efforts of the trainees; their high motivations for success in the professional careers; and determined efforts to accumulate the values-driven, management and communicative experiences in the professional education process. Individual progress in the management, technological and psychological support domains of the long-term athletic training process is to be driven by the persistent sport coach’s personality and professional self-improvement process.

Keywords: educational standard, coach, integration of competences.


  1. Professionalny standart «Trener» (prikaz Ministerstva truda i sotsialnoy zashchity RF ot 7.04.2014 g. №193n) [Professional standard "Coach" (Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation 7.04.2014 №193n)].
  2. Federalnye gosudarstvennye obrazovatelnye standarty vysshego obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki 49.03.01 (uroven bakalavriata) i 49.04.01 (uroven magistratury) [Federal state educational standards for higher education in the field of study 49.03.01 (bachelor's level) and 49.04.01 (master's level)].
  3. Federalnye standarty sportivnoy podgotovki po vidam sporta [Federal training standards for specific sports]. Available at: http/ (16.03.2015).
  4. Fedorov V.V. Pedagogicheskoe obespechenie lichnostno-telesnogo samorazvitiya studentov kak faktor gumanizatsii vysshego obrazovaniya [Pedagogical support of personality-corporal self-development of students as a factor of humanization of higher education]. Khabarovsk: FESTU publ., 2003,164 p.