Mas-wrestlers' competitive fitness optimizing at sport excellence stage
V.N. Loginov1
1Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Keywords: mas-wrestling, athletic training process design, athletic training, competitive fitness, single combat, strength sports.
Background. A key objective of any athletic training process in its theoretical and practical domains is to achieve the best possible individual success in competitions. Combat sports are among the most demanding sport disciplines that require multisided fitness being developed and maintained in every aspect of physical qualities and abilities and by prudent combinations of different training tools.
For the last few years, the competitiveness and competitive accomplishments in ethnic mas-wrestling sport competitions have been on the rise, the individual successes being largely due to the growing intensities and volumes of the training loads. The sport progress has resulted, among other things, in a revision of the schedules of competitions. The coaching community takes efforts to improve the athletic training procedure and practices on the way to the aspired competitive accomplishments.
Generally, a modern athletic training system includes such components as body conditioning and special physical training components, plus technical, mental, tactical and theoretical education components, with the process success being also dependent on a variety of the training- and competitive-process-unspecific factors. Relative contributions of the above training components may widely vary depending on the sport discipline specifics. This is the reason for the coaching teams to clearly set priorities in the training system design for the training process to be as most successful.
Modern mas-wrestling training tools are quite versatile and may be grouped as follows: special physical training, technical, tactical and volitional training components that are closely interrelated and inter-supportive in the process. It is only based on a reasonable combination of these training components in the system design that the individual athletic training may be managed so as to attain the best sport form on the right time and demonstrate the highest competitive success viewed as an integrated progress factor. It should also be noted that the modern theory and practices of athletic training systems give a high priority to those key fitness test rates and the relevant training tools that most heavily contribute to the competitive success in one or another sport discipline. The prudent combination of the progress tests and training tools normally determines the choice of practices and methods for the athletic progress.
Modern mas-wrestling sport is no different from many other combat sports in the sense that different training process designs may be of different effects on sport accomplishments, albeit the top priority is still given to the prestart functionality of mas-wrestlers regardless of the training forms and tools. What makes this ethnic sport newcomer to the pool of combat sports different from the latter is the very short time of a bout, and this is the reason why so much emphasis is to be made on the prestart warm-up phase.
Objective of the study was to find ways to optimize the precompetitive fitness of top-skilled mas-wrestlers at the sport excellence stage.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was performed at Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport (CSIPCS) and timed to the Republican competitions. Subject to the study were 30 mas-wrestlers qualified Candidate Masters of Sport and Masters of Sport, the subjects being tested prior to, during and after the competitions. The study was largely based on questionnaire surveys, with coaches of different ages, ranks and experiences being subject to the surveys.
Study results and discussion. The questionnaire surveys included the following questions responded as follows.
The answers to the question “Do you make resort some kind of a prestart conditioning?” were as follows: 10% of the coaches polled said yes, they do; and 90% said no, they don’t.
To clarify the above, we asked them “Please indicate the problems that give no way for you to run a prestart conditioning process” and the responses were the following: 5% said it is athletes' responsibility to get ready for the bout, and they should be left alone for that; 90% complained having no access to the modern prestart conditioning methods applicable in mas-wrestling; and 5% responded feeling no need for such conditioning. Therefore, we have found that most of the coaching community is in need of due practical guidelines for the prestart conditioning process design and management.
At the next stage of the study, we tested heart rate of every athlete 15 minutes prior to every bout, with the average HR of the subject mas-wrestlers found to make up 90±0.3 beats per min. The subjects were split up into Study and Reference Groups of 15 people each. The Study Group training process included special warm-up practices designed to secure the best possible functional get-ready effects. In practical terms, the warm-up phase of the Study Group was geared to make the mas-wrestlers totally fit for the bout via 15-minute prior conditioning exercises that forced their HR to 145±2.0 beats per min, the exercises being dominated by special jumping practices and shuttle sprints.
As a result, the Study Group showed fairly good competitive fitness and performance with 70% of the subjects showing their individual best results based on their individual resource being fully mobilized for the bouts; the other 30% of the Study Group subjects were found unprepared for the high-intensity practices and failed both in the tactical/ technical and mental conditioning components. It should be emphasized that the individual best accomplishments in the ethnic mas-wrestling sport were found to be highly dependent on success of the prestart conditioning phase with the physical loads geared to raise the HR up to 145±2.0 beats per min, albeit the optimal physical fitness in the special get-ready process is recommended to be identified on an individual basis.
Conclusion. The study has found that the competitive progress and success in the ethnic mas-wrestling sport largely depend on how the coaches and athletes are efficient in rating and controlling the prestart conditions by due analyses of the individual condition indicators, with the relevant fairly simple prestart conditioning practices being applied as described herein. Generally, a training process in the elite mas-wrestling sport needs to be designed on an individual basis to secure good competitive progress, with the prestart conditioning practices being reasonably managed to avoid potential negative effects on the individual fitness rates.
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Objective of the study was to find ways to optimize the precompetitive fitness of top-skilled mas-wrestlers at the sport excellence stage. The study was performed at Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport (CSIPCS) and timed to the Republican competitions. Subject to the study were 30 mas-wrestlers qualified Candidate Masters of Sport and Masters of Sport, the subjects being tested prior to, during and after the competitions. Our analysis of the available theoretical and practical reference literature on the subject followed by questionnaire surveys found that the modern mas-wrestling sport is still in need of comprehensive studies of the prestart functional conditions. Competitive action in modern mas-wrestling is very short in time compared to the other single combat sports, with the physical qualities and abilities being mobilized in a split second in competitions; they may be classified into the speed-strength qualities, explosive strength, maximum strength, and strength agility. It is the competitive fitness that is most important in the above abilities and qualities being efficiently mobilized.