Students' attitude toward Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex (Ready for Labour and Defence)
Meritorious Physical Culture Worker, Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Shchegolev
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Sushchenko
PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Piskun
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
Keywords: attitudes, sports and athletic activity, factors, students, GTO norms and requirements, physical training, physical education.
Introduction. Objective of the study was to reveal the objective and subjective factors that determine the attitude of the students to the GTO norms and requirements. It was assumed that the data obtained can improve the efficiency of physical education in universities.
Objective of the study to explore sports activities of the students and reveal factors determining the attitude of the students to the GTO norms and requirements.
Methods and structure of the study. The study into the attitudes of the students to the norms and requirements of Russian physical culture and sports complex GTO was based on the results of the anonymous survey involving 568 students. The research was conducted at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
Results of the study The results indicate that the attitude of the students to sports activities is largely determined by their interests and motivations. Moreover, the degree of development of physical education and sports interests is one of the main indicators of students’ attitudes to the GTO norms and requirements. The development of students' interest in physical education and sports inspires them for an active and healthy way of life and forms their behavioral patterns [1].
The data obtained from the survey indicates that 14.8% of the students are regularly engaged in physical education and sports, and identify themselves as athletes; 32.5% of the students regularly attend sports clubs; 39.3% of the students do not regularly go in for sports. Overall, only 14.8% of the respondents mentioned the duration and frequency of physical trainings that would meet the requirements.
The analysis of the responses of the students of different age leads to the conclusion that the older the young people, the less likely they are engaged in physical education and sports. Thus, 14.8% of 17-year-old, 14.2% of 18-year-old and 12.7% of 19-year-old students regard themselves as athletes; 48.4% of 17-year-old, 38.8% of 18-year-old and 26.4% of 19-year-old students admitted to just doing physical exercises regularly.
Noteworthy is the fact that the number of young people who are not engaged in regular physical training and sports increases with the age: the number of 17-year-old respondents amounted to 24.8%; 18-year-olds – to 27.2% and 19-year-old respondents – to 36, 4%, respectively.
The results of the study show that only 36.44% of students of conscript age consider physical training necessary for their future military career. However, this is not the highest level of assessment of the social importance of physical training for personal physical, intellectual and spiritual development and growth.
Thus, 36.4% of the students do not believe in the importance of physical training for the personal development, and 18.5% of the male students do not know exactly whether physical education should be the necessary element of their professional training. So, we can conclude that the students are not well informed about the social importance of physical education for their future professional activities.
The results of the study show that only 36.44% of the students consider the fulfillment of the GTO norms and requirements necessary for their future military career. 32.1% of the students do not believe in the importance of physical training for their personal development, and 18.5% of the male students do not know exactly whether the fulfillment of the GTO norms and requirements is necessary for their professional training. At the same time, 16.4% of the students surveyed deny the need to fulfill the GTO norms and requirements for their future careers.
In general, students, during their educational or professional activities, tend to improve their physical condition: 82.5% of 17-year-old students, 86.4% of 18-year-old students and 82.42% of 19-year-old respondents proved this tendency.
The data obtained show that 85.6% of the students surveyed confirmed the inclination to exercise for health reasons. At the same time, 14.4% are not inclined to do it. 17-year-old male students show a great interest in physical education for health reasons, a number of them amounted to 88.7%; a number of 18-year-old students amounted to 86.5% and a number of 19-year-olds– to 68.4%.
Therefore, students tend to lose their interest in physical training as a means to improve their health and lifestyle due to a number of reasons.
Therefore, in our view, it is important to improve the efficiency of students’ sports education by using modern educational technologies, which can be a decisive factor in the transformation of students’ values and attitudes. We should keep in mind, though, that there should be a reasonable amount of physical exercises in the psychological-pedagogical training process as well as a strict balance with the individual abilities, motivation and fitness level of those involved [2; 3].
What are the factors that contribute to sport activities of young people in the training for the GTO norms and requirements?
The analysis of the data obtained from the sociological survey revealed a complex of objective and subjective factors influencing the attitudes and motivation of the students in their training for the GTO norms and requirements. According to the students, it is the conditions of the sports facilities, educational content, availability of fitness equipment as well as friendly atmosphere in the classroom that determines their motivation to do sports.
There are noticeable differences in the evaluation of the factors that, according to the students, hinder the development of motivation and positive attitude to active sports activities. The lack of time is stated as the most important internal factor: 18.4% of the students say that this factor is the main cause of their inactivity.
In our opinion, the reason for the low activity of the students in sports is not just a lack of free time, but their inability to manage their time. But most important, as noted above, is the inadequate value of training for the GTO norms and requirements and the lack of sports background.
Other factors that reduce the physical fitness of the students for the fulfillment of the GTO norms and requirements are: absence of the need for doing sports (12.4%) and lack of the necessary conditions for training (15.8%). In addition, 18.3% of young people believe that their activity in physical education and fulfillment of the GTO norms and requirements are constrained by their bad habits (alcohol, smoking, laziness, etc) - 10.34%, state of health and other factors.
These findings correlate with the results of the earlier studies [4, 5, 6] and show a significant interest of students in the training sessions in the chosen kind of sport. Thus, 44.7% of the students of conscript age chose this form of training.
Another form of physical activity, second in importance for students of conscript age (30.4%), is: walks, games and swimming (it is assumed that they can be arranged by the students themselves). 14.3% of the students of conscript age consider training in sports clubs to be the most appropriate form of doing sports.
If we consider the forms of physical activity of students of conscript age according to their age, 18-year-old students, as it turned out, are more interested in training sessions in the chosen kind of sport - 48.24% than in walking, playing, swimming - (26, 35%.)
The fact that 42.6% of 19-year-old male students put swimming, walking and sport games in the first place in their sport activities, and training sessions on the chosen sport – in the second place, is quite interesting. The opportunity to reduce fatigue and to increase efficiency is quoted by 21.3% of the male students as an important positive stimulus for physical training and sports activities.
A significant factor is a relatively high percentage of the respondents (25.4%), understanding the positive role of sports training for the development of will and stamina and admitting the importance of physical education and sports for the formation of values and motivational systems, interpersonal communication and interaction in the students’ group.
The further analysis showed a relatively low importance of such a factor as the achievement of successes in sports for the military service: only 12.5% of the students surveyed appreciate its influence on their motivation for physical training. Apparently, this explains the lack of active participation of the students of conscript age in the military-sports competitions.
1. The need for a conceptual approach to the rationale and implementation of an effective system of students’ physical training on the basis of their attitude to the norms and requirements of the Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex (Ready for Labor and Defence) is determined by many social factors, primarily:
- the fact that the higher education system is lagging behind the changes that have occurred in the fundamental areas of human knowledge as well as in the methods of youth education;
- the variety of current forms and levels of educational influence on students in the higher educational institutions, which do not though have an integrating, conceptual, organizational and criterion base.
2. Taking into account these and other factors, we suggest that the most optimal model of physical education of students should be based on the training for the norms and requirements of the Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex. It is important to consider that the activities of the university departments of physical education in the training for the norms and requirements of the Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex is an integral part of the professional education. Therefore, the importance of sports activities and their accessibility is a significant component of the educational process.
3. The results of the study indicate an inadequate assessment of the social values of physical education by many students; large untapped reserves of sports activity that can be used for solution of educational problems and development of spiritual, intellectual and physical abilities of the students. Negative trends in the current level of physical fitness and health status of a significant number of students; their skeptical attitude to the healthy lifestyle; their underestimation of physical education and sports opportunities for full and active recreation as well as effective professional activity; need for prevention of bad habits and crime among students; - all these factors call for new approaches to the process of sports education in higher educational institutions by strengthening its educational value and emphasizing its social orientation.
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The article presents the results of the study into sports activities of the students and reveals factors that determine the attitude of students to the norms and requirements of the Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex.