Respiration modules application in preparatory health group students' physical education process



Professor, Dr.Biol. Y.A. Bukov1
I.M. Belousova1
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol


Keywords: students, hyperventilation, respiratory module, corrective and ergogenic effects.

Introduction. Innovative approaches used to improve the university physical education process are a prerequisite for realization of the underlying purposes of health promotion, enhancement of physical fitness and working capacity of students. In this regard particular attention should be paid to students attributed  to preparatory health group due to their state of health. This category of individuals is characterized by low functional reserves, limited energy potential, decreased resistance to pathogenic factors. One of the most common functional disorders among the preparatory health group students is dysfunctional breathing due to changes in the pulmonary ventilation function [1, 2]. But, what is especially important, the number of such individuals with stable hyperventilation increases, thus forming pulmonary risk states [3].

The detected changes in the respiratory system are to be considered when designing differentiated programs as part of the preparatory health group students’ physical education process. Considering the urgency of the issue, we have developed and implemented in the preparatory health group students’ physical education process the respiratory modules, each having its own tasks and basing on the individualized approach with due regard to the type of ventilation. Each module was based on the respiratory training with the use of a special device working on additional resistive impedance, which allowed for respiratory correction in accordance with the basic principles of the respiratory training [4,5].

The research objective was to assess the efficiency of the respiratory modules application in the preparatory health group students’ physical education process.

Research methods and structure. Subject to the study were 95 male students of the preparatory health group aged 18-20 years, 70 of whom had a hypocapnic type of ventilation. All students were divided into two groups: Study group (25 students), and Reference group (45 students). Their ventilation types were determined using the method of capnography. The exhaled carbon dioxide indices (PETCO2, mmHg) were measured using the ultrasonic flow meter KP-01-"ELAMED". The corrective effect was evaluated by the peak flow meter using the "Spiro-Test PC" device with the computer data processing. Fractional content of expired oxygen and carbon dioxide (FEO2, FECO2, vol.%) was measured by means of the PHA-CM and PG-DUM gas analyzers. Hereinafter, we rated oxygen consumption (VO2, ml/min), carbon dioxide emission (VCO2 ml/min), and ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (VEO2, rel.u.). The volume characteristics were corrected to BTPS conditions, and the gas exchange ones – to alveolar conditions. The functionality of the external respiration system was assessed based on the values of power reserves (VC), efficiency (VEO2,) and mobilization (RMV/MVV). The ergogenic effect was evaluated based on the energy potential characteristics. For this purpose, an incremental cycle ergometer exercise test (50, 100, 150, 200 W) was used. Incremental load was performed for 5 min at the pedal speed of 60 rpm. The evaluation criteria were presented by a number of parameters. The level of aerobic capacity of students was measured using the direct measuring method based on the MOC ​​(l/min) and MOC/kg (ml/min/kg) values. The level of energy reserves was expressed in the metabolic units (MET). The external respiration system efficiency under the influence of physical loads was evaluated based on the values of RMV/W, l/min/W), VO2/W (ml/min/W), VCO2/W (ml/min/W). The students’ physical fitness was assessed based on the results of the following tests: Cooper test (km), "shuttle" run (s), sit-ups per 1 min (number of reps), straight leg raise flexibility test (cm), push-ups (number of reps). Somatic health was assessed using the G.L. Apanasenko’s health rating method [6].

Results and discussion. The research results suggest that the most typical disorder for the majority of the preparatory health group students is hyperventilation resulting in the intensification of carbon dioxide elimination from the body, and, as a consequence, formation of the hypocapnic state that limits the body's oxygen levels. Thus, the relative values ​​of MOC/kg did not exceed 36.0 ml/min/kg. Insufficient capacity of the aerobic energy system prevented the trainees from effective adaptation to incremental physical loads. The maximum oxygen consumption rates were registered under the load of 200 W, at the same time, energy expenditure was equivalent to 10 metabolic units, which, undoubtedly, serves as a limiting factor for the trainees’ adaptive activity. Low energy potential of the preparatory health group students was coupled with the limited functional reserves of the external respiration system. Vital capacity as an integral indicator of the respiratory system power ranged between 65-70% of the proper values. The ability to maintain adequate ventilatory muscle activity, characterized by the RMV/MVV ratio, corresponded to the excessive levels within the range of 70-75% of the maximum lung ventilation, which significantly increased energy expenditure of the respiratory muscles. Moreover, ventilation efficiency decreased: ventilation equivalent for oxygen increased on the average to 40.0 rel.u. The students’ physical fitness indices corresponded to the satisfactory level. Thus, the Cooper test result did not exceed 2,200 meters. The level of somatic health, as measured by the G.L. Apanasenko’s method, corresponded to the below-average level.

Application of the respiratory modules in the educational process helped enhance the training impact of physical exercises, which was seen in the significant improvement of the functional and energy indicators, as well as the physical fitness rates of the students. Elimination of hyperventilation as the factor of pulmonary risk in 95.0% of the Study Group students must be considered as the decisive positive result. Whilst in the Reference Group no significant changes were observed in the ventilation types. Stimulation of the respiratory system exerted a corrective effect associated with an increase in the power reserves by 20.0% (p<0.01), decrease in the ventilation response rate by 39.0% (p<0.01), increase in the efficiency by 26.0% (p<0.01). The adaptive resources of the external respiration system, as well as the energy reserves, enhanced. Thus, under the influence of standard 200W physical load, the pulmonary ventilation rates decreased by more than 37.0%, (p<0.01). At the same time, the rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide emission decreased by 16.0 and 26.0%, respectively (p<0.01). Decreased CO2 elimination may be indicative of increased aerobic energy supply, improved muscle performance. With that, energy expenditure decreased by approximately 18.0% (p<0.01). The standard physical education program applied in the Reference Group did not lead to any significant positive changes in the students' functional state, but was accompanied by certain deterioration in the general physical condition. Improvement of aerobic capacities of the students' bodies was an important ergogenic effect. The relative values ​​of MOC/kg in the Study Goup increased by 16.0% (p<0.01) and reached the optimum level in terms of bioenergy. Obviously, it must be admitted that enhancement of the oxygen utilization processes and increasing CO2 tension in the tissues, contributing to activation of the oxidation processes directly in the cells, must be viewed as a mechanism of increase of aerobic energy potential. In the Reference Group no significant changes in the state of the aerobic energy system were detected.

Expansion of the functional reserves of the external respiration system, elimination of hyperventilation, increased energy capacities of the body of students who have gone through the respiratory training, served as a kind of foundation allowing to significantly improve the physical fitness indices and somatic health level. As follows from the tests conducted at the end of the academic year, an increase was detected in the Cooper test results by 14.0% (p<0.05), strength abilities - from 13.0 to 30.0% (p<0.05), speed abilities - by 9.0% (p<0.05), level of somatic health - by 68.0% (p<0.01). All detected changes contributed to the students' more positive motivation to physical training. In the group not subject to the respiratory training certain positive shifts were detected in the students’ state of health, which, however, did not provide the solution to all of the tasks set in the beginning of the academic year.

Conclusion. Inclusion in the preparatory health group students’ physical education process of the designed respiratory modules improves the functional reserves of the external respiration, eliminates hyperventilation as the factor of pulmonary risk. Among the significant ergogenic effects of the respiratory training was stimulation of the energy potential associated with the increase in aerobic performance of the students’ body, allowing to significantly improve the indices of their physical fitness and somatic health.


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Respiratory dysfunctions are known to be among the most common functional disorders of respiratory system in the preparatory health group students. Subject to the study were 95 male students of the preparatory health group aged 18-20 years, with the subjects being tested using capnography and peak flow meter test systems, physical working capacity and somatic health rating tests. Respiratory modules using a breathing training system of special design applied in the academic education process were found beneficial in terms of the achieved positive corrective effects, particularly the lung ventilation process improvement and the external respiration system reserve capacity mobilization effects. The positive ergogenic effects were interpreted as due to the stimulating impacts on the energy generation potentials of the students that helped increase the aerobic capacities, somatic health and physical fitness of the trainees.