Speed-and-strength training program for competitive Yakut jumpers
Postgraduate P.I. Sobakin
Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk
Keywords: Yakut jumps, education method, education and training process, physical fitness, technical skills.
Introduction. Since ancient times, Yakut jumps, of which there are three types - kylyy, ystanga and kuobakh, have been one of the most popular national sports in the Republic of Sakha. Yakut jumping is a complex cyclic sport. The full jumping cycle consists of the following stages: running approach, push-off, eleven successive jumps and landing. Successful competitive performance in Yakut jumps can be determined by the high level of the athletes’ functional capabilities and technical skills developed during the long-term training. Athletic training of jumpers, regardless of specifics, is primarily focused on the achievement of record and near-record stable sports results. The analysis of the Yakut jumps technique has revealed that to continuously perform eleven jumps the athlete needs to maintain high jump stability, which is associated with good movement coordination and high speed.
Experience has shown that, in a number of instances, Yakut jumpers’ poor performance is the result of their low physical fitness. Technical skill gaps emerge as early as at the beginning of training, and they become apparent once and again in the course of the training process and competitive activity. That is why Yakut jumps training is to be carried out along with development of physical qualities.
Studies of the existing methodological literature on the technique of Yakut jumps show a great number of problems concerning education and training of Yakut jumpers. The studies fail to provide a sufficient scientific substantiation of the special physical fitness indices of the leading jumpers.
Therefore, to resolve the existing scientific problem it is required to differentiate training micro-cycles, determine the impact of training loads, substantiate the model characteristics of technical skills and physical fitness, the process of application of the means and methods of training and improvement at all stages of the long-term training.
Objective of the study was to search for the effective ways of Yakut jumps training with due regard to the athletes’ level of physical fitness and technical skills.
Methods and structure of the research. The study involved evaluation of the impact of the training program in the pre-season of the annual training cycle, targeted development of speed and strength abilities, allowing for movement coordination during body conditioning. The preparatory period is the time of formation of the functional basis for successful training and participation in major competitions, development of different aspects of fitness. The benefits of the Yakut jumps training process was assessed based on the results of the lesson observation of the group of student-jumpers of Churapcha Olympic Reserve Sport Boarding Secondary School and Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture (group coach - Chirkoev I.I.).
The one-year educational experiment was preceded by the control tests to determine the jumpers' functionality levels. The study involved 18 Yakut jumpers, attributed to two equal groups: Study and Reference. The young jumpers from the Reference Group trained in accordance with the traditional methods and recommendations for the whole study period. Those of the Study Group were offered to perform sets of special exercises geared to develop their jumping abilities, rational movement rhythm, improve movement coordination when performing Yakut jumps.
The study involved questionnaire surveys and interviews with the leading trainers of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), during which we determined special physical training techniques for elite jumpers, test exercises to assess their special physical fitness, initial training techniques and methods. Subject to the questionnaire survey were 12 coaches who had had previous experience or were currently working with elite jumpers.
Development of speed-strength abilities is one of the determining factors affecting the athletes’ high performance results. The level of speed-strength abilities increases under the influence of short-term maximal strength loads, including resistance exercises with different weights and variations of auxiliary jumping exercises. When deciding between the barbell exercises the preference is given to rapid movements - squats, half-squats, etc. The main technical training means are special preparatory exercises in conjunction with Yakut jumps.
Table 1. Yakut jumps training micro-cycle
Days of micro-cycle |
Training session objective |
Training method |
Load intensity |
1 |
Training session I |
Build speed endurance |
Interval training |
Moderate |
Training session II |
Build speed and strength |
Continuous training |
Significant |
2 |
Training session I |
Build speed endurance |
Regular-continuous |
Significant |
Training session II |
Build speed and strength |
Interval training |
High |
3 |
Training session I |
Build agility, technical training |
Repetitive training |
Moderate |
Training session II |
Build Strength |
Alternate training |
Moderate |
4 |
Training session I |
Technical and tactical training |
Control-competitive |
High |
Training session II |
Improve coordination. Build strength. |
Interval training |
Moderate |
5 |
Training session I |
Build speed and strength and special qualities |
Regular-continuous |
High |
Training session II |
Improve coordination. Technical training. |
Repetitive training |
Moderate |
6 |
Training session I |
Build general endurance |
Cross-country run |
Low |
7 |
Rest day |
The level of general physical fitness was determined using the following test system: 30 m run (sec) and 60 m run (sec), standing long jump (cm), triple jump (cm), 10-fold standing long jump off two feet (m).
Statistical processing of the data obtained showed no significant differences (p>0.05) at the initial level of general physical fitness and jumping ability indices in the Reference Group and Study Group subjects (see Table 1).
Each training session of the Study Group included the following additional exercises:
- Yakut jumps - kylyy and ystanga, explosive, agile push-offs with special focus on building movement rhythm. The degree of movement coordination in the upper and lower limbs was determined visually by the sound signal, which affected the jump distance to some extent;
- Yakut jumps - kuobakh, from the full squat position;
- Yakut jumps with 5 running step approach, driving off the plank hold, with set individual rhythm of movement for optimum movement coordination in the upper and lower limbs. Individual rhythm was set for each running approach attempt. Proper time was allotted for the preparatory and basic hand movements to coordinate them with the moment of pushing off from the support. As the stepping rhythm is assimilated, running approach increased up to seven and then to nine steps. With increasing duration of the running approach, the rhythm and character of hand movements changed respectively. Alternately, the jumpers exercised with a weight belt on. Special attention was paid to the technique of the next to last and last steps before pushing off.
Results and discussion. Table 2 represents the comparative dynamics of general fitness indices for the Study and Reference Groups athletes during the experiment.
Table 2. Comparative dynamics of general fitness indices in Study and Reference Groups
Tests |
Before educational experiment |
After educational experiment |
М±m |
Р |
М±m |
Р |
30 m run, sec |
4.63±0.27 4.65±0.23 |
>0.05 |
4.47±0.15 4.58±0.17 |
<0.05 |
60 m run, sec |
8.42±0.27 8.44±0.23 |
>0.05 |
8.26±0.15 8.37±0.17 |
<0.05 |
Standing long jump, cm |
254.37±6.53 256.16±7.14 |
>0.05 |
279.21 ±5.11 265.81 ±4.53 |
<0.05 |
Triple jump, cm |
741.50±23.10 720.09±23.30 |
>0.05 |
779.31 ±23.90 753.19±37.80 |
<0.05 |
10-fold jump, cm |
2641.50±23.10 2620.09±23.30 |
>0.05 |
2879.31 ±33.90 2753.19±27.80 |
<0.05 |
By the end of the educational experiment the level of general physical fitness, as well as the increase in the values in terms of their main variations and manifestations in both of the groups, were re-tested. Processing of the obtained data showed that the test results in the Study Group increased statistically significantly in all tests. The Reference Group subjects also had all of their test results increased, however, these results were significantly lower in the first three control exercises (30 m run, standing long jump and triple jump).
Conclusion. The findings prove the need to include targeted technical exercises in the jumpers’ educational and training process with due regard to their technical skill levels and in monitoring of the effects of the given exercises on the rest of physical qualities: agility, endurance, coordination and flexibility.
The results obtained can be used as reference to assess the level of physical fitness when planning the training process, as well as to implement the stagewise control over physical fitness and technical skills.
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- Platonov V.N. Sistema podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte. Obshchaya teoriya i prakticheskie prilozheniya [Training system in Olympic sports. General theory and practical applications] Moscow: Sovetskiy sport publ., 2005, 820 p.
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Corresponding author: ssvjakutija@yandex.ru
The study was designed to assess the benefits of the speed- and strength training program within an annual cycle, with an emphasis on the movement coordination in the body conditioning domain. The training process benefits for the competitive Yakut jumping skills were assessed by educational process tests of the Churapcha Olympic Reserve Sport Boarding Secondary School and Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture (CSIPC) trainees. The Study Group training for the whole study period was designed to test the newly developed methods and recommendations by a set of special exercises to build the jumping abilities, form rational movement rhythm and improve the coordination and consistency of the movement sequences for success in the Yakut jumps competitions. The speed and strength abilities were tested to be notably increased by the short-time maximum-strength practices dominated by weight-application jumping exercises and their combinations.