Physical education specialist's creative potential mobilizing via education process design: case study of physical culture and sports GTO complex
Associate Professor, PhD A.A. Babina
Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen
Keywords: educational design, creative potential, creative precondition, notion-to-perception.
Background. Educational design is interpreted as the «values-driven activity to transform the educational reality” [6] and the “domain of integrated knowledge used to study and develop the educational environment logics, concepts, content, tools and methods [4]. Within the frame of the education design, the education and training process under the physical education curriculum geared to make the trainees’ fit for the CTO Complex tests is considered, on the one hand, as the combination of the internal and external elements of a consistent educational system; and on the other hand, each element of the education and training process in its essence and content is treated as an independent part of the system. Moreover, the education and training process may be viewed as the integrity of interconnected elements of a different-level system. This interpretation of the education and training process structure provides a basis for rethinking of the habitual attitudes to the educational design process. Special importance in the physical training and sports process in preparation for the GTO Complex tests is given to self-discovery in the educational, training and professional domains, productive mobilization of personal resources and interpersonal relationship with due contribution from the educator’s creative resource.
In the context of the innovative and creative process being considered as a prime condition for an education design of the academic physical training and sports activity, the education and training process may be primarily interpreted as the productive cooperation of the educational process entities exercising their educational, learning and research rights and responsibilities. It is only natural for the students’ training for the GTO Complex tests being designed so as to attain the clear-cut objectives of the education and training processes, albeit students and educators of the modern higher education system may unlikely agree with the stringent process objectives being imposed from outside, otherwise their research and creative initiatives could be limited or totally curbed.
Therefore, the academic training for the GTO Complex tests may be considered, on the one hand, as the externally formatted system driving the education and training process and, on the other hand, it is important that the education and training process objectives are formed from inside the system being directly dependent on the education process participants. Consequently, both the university teachers and students should find and set the process development vector with the education and training process evolving as a creative research activity driven by its own development pace and logics. Within this process, the university teacher’s role is to establish due conditions to facilitate the creative research activity perceiving oneself as an active contributor to the education and training process. In creating the above conditions, the teacher rethinks his/her own professional activity in the context of the practical and theoretical heritage and traditions of the physical culture and sports GTO Complex. It is the “permanent own progress of the teacher that the students’ progress is secured by” [3], plus the dedication and engagement of the teacher into the new knowledge discovery process in the physical culture and sport sector with an emphasis on the innovative techniques and tools of the training process being discovered with due psychosomatic satisfaction from the physical culture driven by new sensations and emotions. It is through the rethinking process that the teacher comes to certain actions in the notion-to-perception domain. The actions are centred on the notion-to-perception in the education and training process designed on a here-and-now basis. It may be described as a targeted activation of thoughts, perceptions, feelings and sensations within the frame of the personal engagement with the creative precondition being fully achieved for success. It is through this mindset that the educational design of the physical training and sporting process may be inspired by new values and personally important senses with the education and training process becoming interesting and productive for the actors. This attitude helps settle the natural contradictions between the personal/ social needs/ aspirations in the physical cultural resource mobilization process and constraints of the traditional higher education system.
Objective of the study was to consider and theoretically substantiate the physical education specialist’s creative resource mobilization mechanisms for the education process design within the frame of the physical culture and sport GTO Complex.
Methods and structure of the study. It is the creative preconditioning process based on a systemic approach that is considered a fundamental concept for the individual creative resource mobilization in the education process design. The creative preconditioning mechanisms may be described as the “system that determines one or another sequence of actions” [5] or the “system designed to transform movement” [2]. The creative precondition building process may be interpreted as the combination of the process verbalizing, specifying and differentiating/ integrating mechanisms, with these mechanisms being activated via the notion-to-perception, experiencing and feeling-of-relevance processes.
The above creative resource mobilization mechanisms are geared to facilitate the independent and purposeful identification of the here-and-now element of the new design-and-operational links, relations and meanings in the context of the relevant internal and external motivators; and activate the ability to note own versatile responses to the above. The teacher striving to fully employ own receptors in their full versatility creates due preconditions for the notion-to-perception borders being expanded and the feeling-of-relevance being activated. This is how the notion-to-perception ability is developed in the here-and-now situation with the natural strive to a harmonic and integrated operation in the space and time being activated. This mindset may be described as the experience of a “creative act or a flash of inspiration evolving in time and driven by a persistent and conscientious analysis of the problem for the task solving process, with the conscientious efforts coming beyond the constraints and giving rise to new consciousness” [7]. It should be also noted that the creative process of the new sense being generated is totally different from the sense understanding process for they are focused on different tasks. Understanding implies the ability to follow ones actions and considerations driven by certain regulations and the ability to digest a new system of knowledge and skills; while generation implies the ability to come to unexpected findings via thinking breakthroughs i.e. breaks in the common traditional thinking logics [7].
The creative preconditioning process implies a set of the relevant mechanisms being activated, the activation being perceived as new feelings, sensations, images and thoughts. If and when this moment is noted-and-perceived, the creative preconditioning process mobilizes the conscious feeling-of relevance followed by the purposeful reconstruction of the environment to secure more productive operation of the individual in the relevant space and time.
The notion-to-perception state as the precursor of the creative preconditioning process and as the result of the creative resource mobilization process may be described as generally based on the following: certain emotions generated by every physical exercise (i.e. psychosomatic satisfaction as opposed to resistance or anxiety); concentration on the notion-to-perception of how these emotions and sensations are generated in every detail of the process; attention focusing on specific exercises and attempts with the emotional and logical links being traced and followed by a focused work of imagination to discover new connections and senses; with the growing interest to the promises of the new situation evolving in whatever direction unlimited by whatever constraints.
Study results and discussion. The creative preconditioning process is considered as a system to determine the teacher’s individual creative resource being mobilized and developed from the inside. The education process design from the viewpoint of the innovative-and-creative approach is considered a combination of elements generating some integrity which operations are determined by the education process contributors from the inside. This is how a dynamically self-developing system of the physical training and sports is formed. In this process, a verbalizing mechanism is activated among the other teacher’s creative resource mobilizng (creative preconditioning) process mechanisms to support the education design. The key role of the verbalizing mechanism is to communicate what a teacher is going to do or now doing. The teacher taking due efforts to note and verbalize every step in the process is less exposed to the risk of falling out of the here-and-now situation and more engaged in the education and training process. In the aerobics training process, for instance, every move and movement sequence (including the upcoming sequence) may be verbalized and signalled by certain gestures by hands or body language to facilitate the teacher’s engagement in the process with naturally more efficient personal experience sharing and vitalizing effects.
Specifying mechanism is one more creative preconditioning process mechanism designed to enforce the feeling of special to sense and try to trace the alternative/ different ways to perform a standard/ routine activity – including, for instance, a new movement amplitude, or weight application in the exercise, or some extra elements from a different dancing/ strength system or aspect. The specifying mechanism implies that the process actor should note every own thought, sensation and emotional response generated by certain movement/ exercise/ attempt. It is very important to precisely specify what is going on and what feeling and thoughts are triggered by the process, where they come from and how they flow in the specific way the exercise is performed now. The attention is focused on the attempt to go beyond the limits of the habitual perception of the process and concentrate on the notion-to-perception in the flow of new thoughts and sensations associated with the new exercise performance ways or different feelings coming up the standard/ routine performance attempts. It should be remembered that “it is the preparedness for discovery driven by the efforts to master new ways and tools that give growth to a new development vector going one or another way” [1].
Differentiated integrity mechanism is another creative preconditioning process mechanism designed to ensure the cross-transitions from the external (objects, actions, i.e. the here-and-now elements) to the internal (emotional responses and bodily sensations of the here-and-now state) locus of control. The ability to differentiate the cross-links and connect the external and internal elements into an integrated system of experience facilitates and expands the notion-to-perception process by going beyond the limits of the feeling-of-relevance in the here-and-now situation. The differentiated integrity mechanism implies the following: due focus and persistent interest in the evolution of the subject situation in different directions; preparedness to note everything that goes in the here-and-now situation with due openness to potential actions in whatever direction unlimited by whatever presets, i.e. keeping the orienteering-phase mindset; going beyond the system of the habitual intellectual reference points restricting your life by some frame thought to be the only right one; revaluating own individual life definitions to use them as a basis for new feelings and opportunities being discovered; due consideration of the past lessons and errors; and due perception of predictors of the future developments.
Table 1. Academic education and training process (ETP) frame design for the physical culture and sports GTO Complex tests, with fitness aerobics taken for the case study
ETP design concept
Progress rating test |
Goal |
Practical guide |
Creative resource mobilization mechanisms |
ETP content |
System design
100 m sprint
3 km race
Standing bends forward on a gymnastic bench
Standing/ running start jumps
Speed-strength qualities
System approach
Individualized approach
Activating approach |
Verbalizing mechanism
Specifying mechanism
Differentiated integrity mechanism
Basic limb movement skills;
Dancing movement skills mastering on 4/ 6/ 8 counts;
Basic/ dancing movements on a stride at slow/ fast pace for 10-30 min in a non-stop formats;
Jump exercises as such and in dancing sequences;
Semi-splits, full splits, thrusts, twists etc. added to dancing sequences |
Conclusion. The creative preconditioning process mechanisms are viewed as pivotal for the individual creative resource mobilization process. These mechanisms serving as integrated tools of the professional personality development process may be classified into the verbalizing, specifying and differentiated integrity mechanisms. Their key role is to develop the notion-to-perception ability.
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The study was designed to consider the mechanisms of the physical education specialist’s creative potential mobilization, with the process being interpreted as the creative preconditioning that may be activated by the relevant mechanisms as analysed by the study. These mechanisms are considered as the systems pivotal for one or another individual activity, and the study explores the role of the mechanisms in the creative precondition building in the process of the educational environment being designed for success the academic physical and sport education. A system approach was applied in the study to consider the correlations of the key notions including the creative preconditioning, feeling-of-relevance and the notion-to-perception.