Effects of academic physical education course on students' progress test rates
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №1-2017, pp.71-73
UDC 796.011.3
Dr.Med., Professor I.G. Kretova1
Dr.Biol., Professor O.A. Vedyasova1
Associate Professor, PhD M.V. Komarova1
Associate Professor N.V. Gurova1
L.G. Golovina1
Associate Professor, PhD O.V. Belyaeva1
1Samara National Research University n.a. Academician S.P. Koroleva (Samara University)
The study was designed to consider the effects of the academic physical education course on the progress test rates of the students majoring in Swimming Discipline, the rates being obtained by the standard swimming and track and field tests. Subject to the tests were 155 first- and second-year students of the Samara University engaged in a two-year academic swimming course. The tests were performed prior to the first and after the second academic year and included the following test elements: 50 m freestyle, brass, backstroke and butterfly tests; 100 m combined swimming test; 100 m sprint, 2/1 km cross country race for men/ women, respectively. Subject to the analyses were the above test rates. The study data and analyses showed that the systemic physical training under the academic Swimming Discipline improved the primarily low physical development levels of the students on the whole and women in particular, and built up their reserve capacities mostly via the long-term bodily adaptation to the permanent physical workloads. The effects were largely due to the dynamic muscular work (including the swimming practices) designed to increase the maximal oxygen demand rates and, hence, the aerobic capacity, and the progress made it possible for the students to better cope with the standard tests.
Keywords: students, physical education course, swimming, standard test rates.
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