Sport implications of modern human phenotypic type variations
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2017, pp.59-61
UDC 796.01:612
Dr.Hab. T.S. Timakova
All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow
In the modern sport development process, coaches and other relevant specialists need to factor in the athletes’ typologies and the specific aspects thereof. It is only through due understanding of the athletes’ individualities that an efficient training and competitive process management system may be designed. Objective of the study was to find and analyse the typological traits of the athletes versus their competitive accomplishments.
Specific shifts in phenotypes of the leading athletes were found to comply with the commonly known trends in the human evolution towards the individual versatility and higher sensitivity to external effects. The modern sports give higher priority to the mental abilities and at the same time favour the individuals with higher sensitivity of the nervous system, with manifestations of gender dimorphism being less meaningful. The longer terms of the active phase of ontogenesis makes the athlete’s personality and body more sensitive to external impacts, with the peak of competitive accomplishments being delayed in time.
Keywords: elite sports, modern phylogenesis, typology of elite athletes, phenotypic variability.
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