Runner's heart rate variability data application to analyze and individualize middle altitude training process



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2017,pp. 15-18

UDC 796.01:612

Dr.Biol., Professor N.I. Shlyk1
Associate Professor, PhD A.E. Alabuzhev1
Associate Professor, PhD I.I. Shumikhina1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

The study considers the ways to design the competitive runners’ individual vegetative system performance profiles based on the heart rate variability (HRV) data; and to rate their individual adaptations to the mid-altitude training workload micro-cycles so as to timely detect the first indications of the cardiovascular system deregulations/ overloads. It was found by the study that heart rate cannot be used as such to assess the real condition of a cardio-regulatory system unless supported by a heart rate variability data analysis. Special attention is given to the runners’ HRV data versus different training process designs. It was demonstrated that the long-distance runners with different vegetative regulation levels show different adaptability reserves when tested by the same training workloads. The study also considered the benefits of the heart rate variability profiling tests to schedule the best rest days within a mid-altitude training micro-cycle.

Keywords: heart rate variability, middle altitude, runners, training process individualizing, overtraining.


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