Choreographic routines in competitive aerobics: application specifics at different training stages
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.42-44
Associate Professor, PhD J.V. Korichko
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
The article considers the ways to design the content of the choreographic training in competitive aerobics and shows the correlation of the competitive routine performance standards and artistic qualities with the relevant education-and-test choreographic routines performance rates of the athletes at the primary and principal training stages. Objective of the study was to find the correlation between the competitive routine assessment rates and the relevant education-and-test choreographic routines performance rates of the athletes at different training stages in competitive aerobics. The correlation growth trend was found to depend on the training stage on the whole and the integral athletic fitness rate in particular. It should be noted that the high correlation is found both for the artistic performance and the execution quality rates. The choreographic training was found being of expressed benefit both for expressivity, charisma and presentation of the routine and for the physical and technical fitness rates of the athletes. Therefore, a wide arsenal of choreographic training tools is recommended to improve the training process efficiency in competitive aerobics.
Keywords: competitive aerobics, choreographic training, execution, artistic quality, education material contents for training process.
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31.10.2016 г.