Chess players' physical conditioning at sports excellence stage
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.36-38
Associate Professor, PhD A.I. Alifirov1
Associate Professor, PhD I.V. Mikhaylova1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
The study was designed to make a content analysis of the proposed physical conditioning method applicable to elite chess players in the pre-competitive and competitive training periods; substantiate the special physical practices as the effective tool to improve the bodily functionality in the competitive period; and outline the rehabilitation process regularities in the post-game time. The study showed benefits of the proposed practices for the chess player’s functionality and for improvement of a variety of physical qualities including endurance and coordination in the pre-competitive and competitive training periods. The authors’ physical conditioning method tested in the chess players’ training system at Russian State Social University (RSSU) with a special emphasis on the rehabilitation process regularities in the post-game time was found beneficial as verified by the competitive success rates. The RSSU chess players have repeatedly won the Students’ World Chess Championships and the Russian Chess Championships individually and in teams.
Keywords: chess players’ physical conditioning method, physicality, chess training system, sport training, physical fitness.
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02.10.2016 г.