Physical development of young athletes living in Mongolia




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp.103-104

UDC 796.034.2 

PhD Gundegmaa Lkhagvasuren1, 2
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
2Mongolian National Institute of Physical Culture, Ulaanbaatar


Objective of the study was to estimate the impact of living conditions on the physical development of young Mongolian athletes. The indicators of total body size of Mongolian young athletes were analyzed. Total of 5426 athletes (8-17 years) were surveyed, of whom 1345 lived in apartments, 2291 - in yurts and 1285 - in school dormitories. Body weight was measured using up to 0.1 kg floor electronic scales. The examination program included the following characteristics: body length, chest girth, body weight, body mass index, chest girth as a percentage of body length were calculated on the basis of the measurements.
The results of the comparative analysis of the normalized values of the physical development of the subjects showed that young athletes living in school dormitories lag behind their peers who live in apartments and yurts.

Keywords: body length, body weight, body mass index, young athletes, living conditions.


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Received 11.04.2016 г.