Pressing problems of implementation of competency-building approach within Russian physical education system




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp.94-96

UDC 796.011

Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Lukiyanenko
North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol


The article is devoted to the urgent problems associated with the introduction of the competency-building approach in the modern Russian educational environment, which is believed to be insufficiently covered and discussed in the media. At the same time the development of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the introduction of the competency-building approach is in fact treated as a kind of cure-all designed to bring Russian education to a higher quality level. However, there is objective evidence, as well as logical, theoretical and methodological grounds for serious doubts about the encouraging prospects for the implementation of the noted approach.
Presented in the article results of the study of the problem indicate virtual absence of real benefits of the competency-building approach compared with the ones traditionally established in Russia for many decades. It is shown that under current conditions of the educational process competences, if formed, in most cases are formed only in some far-fetched, "virtual" educational space, but not in the minds and hearts of the students. The author hopes that the content of the work will make a definite contribution to the solution of the problem of eliminating "militant" pretentiousness in domestic pedagogical science and practice, as well as make-believe views of the state and ways of development of pushing pedagogical dilettantism and technocratization of the educational process carried to an absurdity.

Keywords: modernization of education, educational process, competency-building approach, vocational competency, universal educational actions.


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Received 22.03.2016 г.